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About Raiak

  • Birthday 11/08/1999

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Username: Raiak Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Venezuela / GMT -5:30
  2. Player name: Raiak Showdown name: Adicire Server: Silver Timezone: GMT: -5:30 Rank on ladder: #14
  3. Player name: Raiak Showdown name: Adicire Server: Silver Timezone: GMT -4 Rank on ladder: 8
  4. Username: Raiak Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Venezuela / GMT -4
  5. About 2 days ago I had a problem with an ivs reroll, a friend gave me two reroll because I was not going to use them, one from ivs and one from natu, the one from natu I used in my zapdos to change it from releaxed to bold and the of ivs I was supposed to use it in mew, it happens that I spoke with the npc and I just had to give him accept to change his ivs and wrote some messages in the guild chat, without realizing it apparently I had a connection problem but I gave him accept without knowing about this problem and I did not realize it because I had no player nearby so I did not see them disappear, I gave him accept and nothing happened, immediately afterwards he takes me to the home screen and I enter again, I noticed the mew and their ivs were absolutely the same and the reroll is no longer in my bag Sorry if there are many errors or some things are not understood, my English is not very good and I used the translator
  6. About 20 minutes ago I had a problem with an ivs reroll, a friend gave me two reroll because I was not going to use them, one from ivs and one from natu, the one from natu I used in my zapdos to change it from releaxed to bold and the of ivs I was supposed to use it in mew, it happens that I spoke with the npc and I just had to give him accept to change his ivs and wrote some messages in the guild chat, without realizing it apparently I had a connection problem but I gave him accept without knowing about this problem and I did not realize it because I had no player nearby so I did not see them disappear, I gave him accept and nothing happened, immediately afterwards he takes me to the home screen and I enter again, I noticed the mew and their ivs were absolutely the same and the reroll is no longer in my bag Sorry if there are many errors or some things are not understood, my English is not very good and I used the translator
  7. I agree with the post, having an opportunity of at least 70% would help a lot especially when capturing pokes of a very high tier since it can be very frustrating. And removing more than 1 at a time could be very useful, the other day I had to remove 4 boxes of gastlys and the truth was not at all pleasant and it is an unnecessary task in which time is lost, perhaps a more comfortable box system or Organizable could help a lot in the game
  8. Infernape price?
  9. Hi I can log in with my account normally, it's not a problem, today I tried to get out of my guild but I just can not, I use the button to exit and nothing happens and with the command of /gleave nothing happens either, it's just like I'm not in the guild, since my name does not appear in the list either of members And I can talk in the guild chat and see the clan data as if I were a normal member, even the clan leader tried to expel me but could not, he simply typed the command and nothing happened All this begins to happen after my change of nick, previously it was Ryuk15v
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