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Everything posted by Yogic

  1. farewell bro
  2. IGN: Yogic Server: Red Story is that the player left and went AFK. A sableye came into his room and intervene with his belongings(computer/hat/etc) Moral of this piece: Never Go AFK! Happy Halloween :^]
  3. In :p. GL to everyone :^]
  4. NPC Name: Youngster Yogic NPC Message: Merry Christmas! Oh wait.. NPC team: Delibird After Battle Message: Too soon?
  5. Goodluck to you IRL.. again lol
  6. Didnt even reply about the timer. Yet your rules said no insta. I could've bid more xD Auction better next time ma boi :v
  7. Re: Shiny Drapion !!! <r>Time left? <COLOR color="#FFFFFF"><s></s>@CaahRoodrigues<e></e></COLOR></r>
  8. Re: Shiny Drapion !!! <t>5.5m :v</t>
  9. Re: Shiny Drapion !!! <t>offer 3m.</t>
  10. looks dope
  11. Cya :D: Best of luck IRL man :y:
  12. Welcome :P
  13. Aghh~ artgasms - - -
  14. Uhh sry i retract offer.
  15. Luck, you need luck ma dude :kappa:
  16. -Removed-
  17. farewell :v
  18. Not you Daedra. :D: Ah well, Farewell Bro and Best of Luck! :y:
  19. Do you accept epics? :v
  20. Re: (s) Gliscor -- (s) Staryu -- (s) Starmie TIME ADDED <t>14.5m glis</t>
  21. Re: (s) Gliscor -- (s) Staryu -- (s) Starmie TIME ADDED <t>13.5m glis</t>
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