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About Dreamtide

  • Birthday July 7

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  1. Dreamtide

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1) Dreamtide 2) 1650 3) Butterfree (and all other bugs) 4) farming, grinding, collecting, etc
  2. can i start the auction of s. surskit please?
  3. Auction started 24/09 18:00 GMT+2 by SirAF Auction ends 27/09 18:00 GMT+2 Good luck
  4. s.o. : 50m min bid: 1m insta: 80m Auction will end 72 hrs from s.o. Accept cc (400k) and iv rerolls (700k)
  5. Since when incompetence is disrespectful, it's an other word for lack of something. Also i'm free to make a thread on support, since I'm asking for support. Please stop bringing drama in this thread.
  6. Well my kind sir, if noone speaks up for it, there won't be any plans to change their ''lack of tools''.
  7. Many people, including myself, have made the mistake of making a wrong evolution, completely screwing a pokemon. Is it really that hard to simply de-evolve a pokemon someone evolved into a wrong form? Some of us invest tons of hours in this game to be ignored by incompetent staff members of this forum. Since we donate money to help your project, we expect to at least be treated with respect in simple matters like this one.
  8. Ign: Dreamtide Server: Silver De-Evolution request: I did the horrible mistake of evolving my male Kirlia into Gardevoir out of rush cause i was before e4 and forgot that it needed Dawn Stone. Please help me by making it again a Kirlia so I make it right this time. Ps: i read on some posts that u lack the tools, but i'm pretty sure it happened on the past for other people. This pokemon is mine and I put so much effort to get it and then raise it, so please dont discard me with the ignore label of ''we can't do anything about that''.
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