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About Wffej87

  • Birthday 09/26/1987

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Wffej87's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. 100% agreed. should be able to recatch them after beating nikola, regardless if u caught them already or not.
  2. So much hate on tourettes syndrome... Tourettes guy isnt pleased.
  3. Wffej87

    Effect %'s in pvp

    Tbh - I strongly feely like most % chances are currently incorrect. Crit chance being the main one. however i have frozen ppl with ice beam literally 5x straight.... then they unfreeze 1 turn after, and when im in PVP and theres literallt 1 thing that will make the opponent win such as a lucky crit, lucky freeze, lucky paralyze/full para, it ALWAYS happens, its like the game notices thats the 1 thing thats going to make u lose and it just does it... doesnt seem like correct % chances at all as often as it happens. im 29 and ive played pokemon for MANY years, and this game i crit more, freeze more, para more... everything more in 1 battle than i do in 10 battles on a normal pokemon game.
  4. Make a proper complaint in the correct bug section of the forums with this information - I feel as if this system wont be in place very long with all the complaints and bugs im seeing on the forums atm.
  5. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32 Post an appeal here and you will be informed why u were banned.
  6. Re: WTB Charmander/Charizard Solar Power <r><QUOTE author="lampshadejaz"><s> </e></QUOTE> Forgot to quote u for notification.</r>
  7. Re: WTB Charmander/Charizard Solar Power <r><IMG src="https://imgur.com/k4ZQAs4.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> I think atm this is the best ive seen on yellow. offer me :)</r>
  8. Honestly, at that point id literally just use the online calculator to avoid walking to some random NPC.... i think the /hiddenpower command would be much more beneficial. i for one wouldnt waste my time on an npc in some random place when i can just stay where i am and use the calc.
  9. Re: Epic chansey 23/25/24/22/19/28 BOLD/NatCure <t>Sold for insta in game. (Gear not there so i cant close the topic.)</t>
  10. Re: Epic chansey 23/25/24/22/19/28 BOLD/NatCure <r>Current offer = 700k in game by Popa.<br/> <IMG src="https://imgur.com/K4X2l5P.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  11. Re: Multiscale Adamant ev'd/100 dragonite <r><QUOTE author="wffej87"><s> </e></QUOTE></r>
  12. Re: Epic chansey 23/25/24/22/19/28 BOLD/NatCure <r><QUOTE author="JetLi"><s> </e></QUOTE> ty, current offer 500k.<br/> <br/> Auction will likely end tonight 12am eastern time tomorrow.</r>
  13. Re: Multiscale Adamant ev'd/100 dragonite <t>Still available</t>
  14. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow server <t>I'll join</t>
  15. Younger me. And 2 more recent me's.
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