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Everything posted by Cheatc0de

  1. come breezy town pc
  2. @Kitretsu05u have won the auction. when u have time to trade?
  3. the auction will end in: https://countingdownto.com/?c=4143118
  4. S.o 200k min bid 50k 24h auction after first bid no insta cc: 400k reroll: 700k cash winner is @Pouettepoutine with 1cc
  5. 25h 52min left
  6. 700k by Isildurr2x
  7. 600k by Jadeash
  8. auction will end in: https://countingdownto.com/?c=4142140
  9. the winner is PVPKING1 with 1.7m
  10. S.o 500k min bid 100k 48h auction after first bid no insta cc: 400k reroll: 700k cash
  11. push 37h and 43min left
  12. S.o 800k mini bid 100k 48h auction after first bid no insta cc: 380k reroll: 700k cash the winner is PVPKING1 with 1.7m
  13. Miracleonly won the auction
  14. So 1m mini bid 100k 3days auction after first bid no insta auction will end 12.09.2021 14:55 GMT+2 B.O: 5.5m by Miracleonly Miracleonly won the auction cc: 380k reroll: 700k cash
  15. +1
  16. Application to join the guild Trinity Hey, Im a 24 year old Trainer from Germany and I was last year in the guild Empire for some months, but i got inactive, many players changed to Gold or dosen't play anymore. After staying 6 months guildless I decided now to look for a new guild and Trinity looks for me very interesting, becouse i like to PvP and share my experience with other Trainers. My highest rating was around 300 with a Hyper Offense Team and my goal is it to get in the top 25. I can lend my Pokemon to guildmates or help to catch new ones. Discord: CheatCode#5696 Thanking you in advance, for your time and consideration, I remain, Respectfully, CheatC0de
  17. Ok, coming.
  18. 600k
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