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Everything posted by Cheatc0de

  1. the 4.6m offer was postet 6min ago so its still going for 9min
  2. S.o 1m min bid 200k 48h auction after first bid no insta cc: 400k reroll: 700k cash Don't forget this, so nobody will get upset.
  3. why did u opened 2 auctions with the same pokemon? https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/198892-auction-surfing-gible-event-jolly-1m-starts-min-bid-100k-insta-35m-ends-in-48-hours
  4. the winner is @TheOriginal
  5. the auction will be extended for an additional 24h!
  6. S.o 500k min bid 100k 48h auction after first bid no insta cc: 400k reroll: 700k cash Don't forget this, so nobody will get upset.
  7. @Suzwon the auction with 250k
  8. S.o 200k min bid 50k 48h auction after first bid no insta cc: 400k reroll: 700k cash
  9. the winner is @Pouettepoutine message me pls when u are online
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