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Everything posted by Grabarz23

  1. 31spd Volcarona sold
  2. Wobbuffet sold
  3. sure just tell me when and where do you want to meet for trade ?
  4. 2 rotoms (31spd and 30spd hp fire) 2 heracrosses (careful and adamant both 20+) cryognal 31spd and machamp 20+ sold
  5. sure we can do 800k for the rotom but just to be sure tell me which heracross do you want to buy ?
  6. Rotom bold hp ice sold
  7. Mimikyu and kingdra both 20+ sold
  8. Sure just tell me when and where do you want to meet for trade ?
  9. yes, if you transfer to gold i will sell kingdra to you
  10. Salamence 20+ naive/Kommo-o 20+ adamant/Omastar modest hp grass/Rotom 31 spd Sold
  11. Sorry i dont do cross server trades
  12. Ribombee 20+/Accelgor / 31 spd ada ninjask sold
  13. Salamence and zoroark 31spd sold
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