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Everything posted by Fumesec

  1. I start at 1k if u accept
  2. I gonna lend u no probs
  3. Darksages... if you told me it was ot lipenzo... wouldve made the difference
  4. I take the goomer female, pm me on discord on in game Fumesec#0918 or Fumesec
  5. I''m joking , come pm me on discord
  6. I feel scammed now
  7. Bo 400k few hours left
  8. Start @ 300k Insta @ 850k Minimum raise @ 80k Auction duration @ 48 hours from now
  9. 1.1m happiny
  10. Player name: Fumesec Showdown name: Fumesec Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 7
  11. Thanks! Every connection a little message would be many many messages and rules to put with all crashes :DDD
  12. Do you know these games on which you find a sentence during loading which give you tips or information about the game? Why not do this on PRO , there are so many people unaware of things like syncro , evolve your poke late , repel trick -- but most important of all : The PRO rules At each connection have a little message or pop-up with a rule or tip. :D
  13. Price of hydratation 19 spatk? pm me on discord ty Fumesec#0918
  14. I dont agree, I like to help out and doesnt happen this much.. only when you hang out it first pc of a new region First : I'm a bit upset I dont have an answer for my last report, this person fooled me, making me train a poke he would buy and then found excuses to not finish our deal after I paid someone to train it for him... Also I think the time lapse between the trade chat post is a annoying thing since I wanna link more than 4 different pokes. Why not find solution for offering on pokes like this new lending feature to prevent scamming? Something to make u offer on a poke and having that data saved somehow, preventing fake offers, people doubting, and getting reported / banned wrongly, Please no lose pvp rating when crash I think less manual moderating is needed, more automatic features for preventing scamming or reporting etc... Solve my report please ^^ except for that I'm enjoying the game !
  15. LINK ME ON DISCORD Fumesec#0918 Infernape epic ! ( hp ice better ) Serperior timid contrary ( ice fire or ground better ) Gliscor (jolly ha) Garchomp jolly max speed Xatu epic magic bounce mantine calm clefable calm unaware Magnezone hp fire -( good speed - no low ivs ) Mamoswine ( naughty jolly adamant ) godly Alakazam ha Toxicroak Dry skin Chansey 24+ empoleon Exploud Tyranitar sassy and jolly - GODLY please Helioslisk Dry skin ( timid / modest ) Lucario ( max speed jolly or ada, justified is better ) Conkeldurr guts ( High atk High speed no low iv ) Togekiss timid 31 speed Togekiss modest good speed and spatk and 25+ Greninja hp fire Amoongus bold / calm regenerator ( hp ice or fire better ) Tangrowth sassy regenerator ( hp ice or fire better ) Jellicent epic Darumaka sheer force epic Staraptor jolly 31 Jynx epic dry skin modest or timid azumarill 25+ with 30 + atk and 31 speed Alomomola Regen epic Gastrodon Torkoal # # # Also all other pokes with amazing hidden power , hidden abilities and good iv are welcome !
  16. Link doesnt work anymore
  17. I do 1 million and 501 k leading this auction hands up
  18. Can't sir, have many offers for the chomps ig
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