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Everything posted by Wtfuun

  1. Old Lady Janice is a useless boss , but Ravine. RIP for Honedge ,'(
  2. that's the problem ,i have more than 75h in sinnoh, i did already all this legendary pok ,except darkrai ;( the door say its locked ;(
  3. the house in canalave that lead to Darkrai quest ! is there a way to open it ? or not yet working ?
  4. welcome to the trash family son !!!
  5. xd same for me
  6. no update for this guide ? even not a fix for the zooming problem ! ;( hope someone will take the lead and do some update .
  7. Re: ► Spawn Repel Trick ~ All known pokemon spawns [30+ new spawns ~ 8/6/2017]◄ <t>i can see that the moderators/Devs are a little bit triggered by this "Repel Trick" no ?!</t>
  8. Wailmer Mount from Misty isn't tradable or its just me .?
  9. Wtfuun


  10. never mind
  11. i know "kagawa" is from the summer event,but the Boss Cooldown checker tell he is ready to battle in the Hoenn region !did he get moved there ??
  12. Re: Defeat Bosses with the less number of Poke <r>I'm not an expert on this boss ,but for "Greninja" i used a cheap & easy way (at least to me!) <br/> if that help anybody here is what i did :<br/> <br/> Fisrt : 5/6 "Flash" on Palkia .i used Umbreon/Drapion/Golduck for that (Drapion/Golduck with Focus Sash)<br/> <br/> next switch to Tentacruel and use the good old "Acupressure" move till all the stuff are boosted three time (at least spdef & def & spatk) ..<br/> <br/> you may need some "Revival Herb" .<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://s20.postimg.org/8izd216v1/Sans_titre.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> <br/> as a reward i got the ""ultimate"" item of the game : <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER></r>
  13. Thanks dude ,Three Full EV Trained Pok in 2/3 hours ! you are the man .
  14. PRICE: 600k
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