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Everything posted by Yhelpabs

  1. Okay bro. Answering a question with a question. Lol. I really dont know thats why i am asking. I thought you know because you reply. Thanks anyway.
  2. Ohh. I dont know thats why I'm asking. So it is okay? Are you a MOD bro?
  3. Is that legal? To add insta even after bidding start? I intend to offer higher hours before the end of 2 days
  4. ohhh. I tought rules have 15mins add time after end of time. Sorry then
  5. [ATTACH=full]108478[/ATTACH]
  6. PM me if you have epic sassy torkoal. Hidden ability or Drough ability.
  7. 700k
  8. 3m
  9. 2.6m
  10. 2.2m
  11. Current offer?
  12. Starting Price 8m Minimum Raise 100k Auction ends 24hrs after first bid. Payment Methods: 1cc = 300k IV Reroll = 600k Nature Reroll = 300k
  13. Bump (insta price only)
  14. Im online now bro. im at vermi
  15. I dont have discord bro. Ny name in game is yhelpabs
  16. Bump (3hrs left on shiny skuntank)
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