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About Vyeny

  • Birthday 03/11/1991

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  • Occupation
    I,m working as cook, and doing fitness

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  1. ye i agree the most, i had some stuff u said on mind before post it . good answer
  2. i dont see any sense to have own house in pro, its not GTA. WE NEED MORE options in PC to sort pokemon between boxes, also rename boxes etc
  3. what do you think about this: would it be good to: when u put mouse cursor on wild pokemon it shows you its statistic of stat total/IV/Ability/hidden power/Nature example is on the picture below. so we dont need catch every pokemon there. *if your thoughts about this are positive, make a poll to see thoughts about all other players there what they think about this , would be good or not.*
  4. ye i got it, its nice, thanks for the answer
  5. hi it would be good to add expire time for membership in game. Change its color depend what membership u used mini MS , small 15d MS , BIG ms 60 days, *add small coin capsule in store (50c) *add mini MS to store (3days )
  6. this is what i wanted too see in PRO: rechallenge gym ladders , this is what i waited, great job guys peace
  7. nice ideas, also i would like to see this kind of additional next to that one trainer card in pro what we already have named PVP card to show you PVP now seasson status and all seassons status since ever played. , where u can see someones pokes clearly with level and same card to be visible to you . its so lovely to show off the pokes and status to world and see from other players , this was taken long time ago from poke cyrus. since they went ofline nostalgia made me to find new poke game and im glad i found this great game like PRO
  8. is it posibble to make pokeballs instead of dig spot (that code use as pokeballs appears) till u find new solution.. trying to help out since everyone complain on diggs
  9. it would be good if you could remove or move on the side officer from subway entrance after quest. Its a little bit annoying to ask every time to let you in, and we would save some time. And also if you could put ticket seller to all kanto subways. Thanks :)
  10. Must be update , holloween is ended guess..
  11. Came to report same :(
  12. Same for me i solved problem. Unistal older version and clean your phone with ccleaner and it will work. :)
  13. Is possible to have all PVP WIN, LOSE, DISCONECTIONS status seen in trainers card no metter of seasson, counter of all the time. Like this one on the picture what is already for normal battles guess. Thanks :) Edited: or put tab this season ranked stats, all season ranked stats,unranked battle stats.
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