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Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. start 500k insta 2m last 24h 100k steps accept cash, cc(400k), iv rr(700k)
  2. bump
  3. u win bulba u online
  4. i think u are winner, u online?
  5. bump
  6. bumppppp
  7. sold to sensoy0121 for 1.6m auction ended waiting for winner's reply , 500k winning bid start 300k insta 2.5m last 72h 100k steps c.o is 300k check 2nd page for all 3 pokes i accept cash, rr iv - 700k, cc = 380k
  8. IGN:cloysterface SERVER:gold Reason:Accidentally Released Request: Restore scyther seen in the image below
  9. sold, ty for bidding everyone it was already over when you asked unfortunately
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