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Everything posted by Caennethi

  1. 450k klefki
  2. 525k Chansey
  3. 400k each
  4. I think you intended to write "48hrs" but it says 40hrs now. Maybe should edit it to the correct endpoint of 4:30pm May 17th GMT+ 0 Nonetheless 200k Chansey 325k Klefki
  5. 550k - will transfer if i win
  6. 450k - will transfer if i win
  7. WTB any of these mons 20+ Sassy Regenerator HP Fire Tangrowth Bold Drizzle Pelipper Modest Swift Swim Ludicolo Modest Blacephalon Timid/Naive Battle Bond Greninja Adamant Inner Focus Bisharp DM me ingame: caennethi or on discord: caenneth
  8. start - will transfer if i win
  9. 600k exca
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