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About Yasham

Personal Information

  • Career
    Purifying Gohmas
  • Occupation
    Purifying Gohmas

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Yasham's Achievements

Beast Trainer

Beast Trainer (5/12)



  1. You in a couple years, Digit wont be a friend anymore Digit and i are BFF like you put in your sig, he cant do this to me :Proud:
  2. Okey so : Me sleeping Me when i drop the bass Me when i see Brad Me for Revo
  3. you smell brad
  4. As some of you already noticed i also left staff due to personal reasons. Love you all guys, it was awesome to be with you for nearly a year, i'll miss you all a lot. We built an awesome community together that you can be proud of, i'll still be around on discord as a few person know me there and i'll always be up to talk to you guys. Will keep it short cause i'm not a WOT talker, love you guys
  5. Welcome in introduction i guess SugarRed9, i'll take your cats if you dont mind unless you sing for me, Hideliet told me you were for him so im jealous now :Proud:
  6. Hey i love french people, i love Strasbourg too, go to the Chicken there, best restaurant ever <3 Glad to still have you around
  7. I see, favoritism with Digit... Someone here will get random crashes during ranked battles and it will be the owner of this topic
  8. Why am i everywhere on your signature ?
  9. Re: RUKittenMe??? Recruiting! ~Yellow server~ <r><QUOTE author="SugarRed9"><s> </e></QUOTE> You won't have the world, sorry</r>
  10. Servers are rebooted when a crash happens, sorry for the invonvenience but you'll have to wait
  11. No new stuff got added for now, we'll update when they will, shortly new features should be added
  12. Npc has been implemented :
  13. We are working everyday on recruitment but we cannot give moderator role to anyone since it gives you a lot of power hence why it takes time. Also staff are working on their free time to run the game, we aren't getting paid or anything but like everyone we need to work / study in real life so we cannot be around all the time. Moderators are working a lot but in the background, you might feel a lack of presence but we can be working without talking or working on other servers. Now that said again we work each day on recruitment but it's a long process, we have to do it among our other staff duties / irl life so it's long.
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