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Everything posted by Xrevolutionx94

  1. Re: RUKitten<Guild Shop> <r><QUOTE author="harleyquinzell"><s> </e></QUOTE> If no one bids in the next 12 hours its yours <3</r>
  2. Re: EDIT: Selling Shiny Dratini (Instant) !!! <r><QUOTE author="MangoMaster"><s> </e></QUOTE> Whats going on with this?</r>
  3. Re: WTS > Shiny Pinsir. <t>Ill insta 4m ;)</t>
  4. [glow=red] [/glow] [glow=blue] [/glow] [glow=red] [/glow]
  5. Re: WTS > Shiny Pinsir. <t>2.3m <3</t>
  6. Bye o/ Best of luck to you in life! <3
  7. Hey! Welcome to PRO (:
  8. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=33907 Check this out it may help you ;)
  9. Good luck with this~
  10. I recommend doing a system restore to a previous date when you were able to run pro~
  11. Hm.. This came out really nice! I would love for you to draw mine if you have any plans to sell your drawing skills in the future <3
  12. Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming} <r><QUOTE author="han1996"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey Han! Good luck with your guild! I love your discord btw ;)</r>
  13. Tbh it's not what poke are in the meta.. It's what Pokemon go good as a team. To find this out I'd find out what Pokemon are obtainable in pro, go to showdown/battle damage calculator make some teams test them out. Then when you come up withsome good teams..friendly battle a few people with different teams so you know the pros and cons about your team and try to tweak them a bit. This may sound like a bit of work but in fact I did this for 2 days and came up with a few good pvp teams. I manage to hit the top 10 every season in yellow so far with that idea. Well this is just a suggestion and I hope it helps you! Good luck <3
  14. Worth about 1m+ if u lvl it up and ev it
  15. People don't pay that much for clones that are trash also the clone event is still out so it don't cost that much and our server is the one with the least cash on the servers. I'd say don't price check other server Pokemon unless you play on them js 350k+ would make him look kinda dumb .-.
  16. Sylveon! By far it's the best shiny look and it's cute af :Heart-eyes:
  17. Mine would have to be magmortor or metagross. For one magmortor is just op and looks cool af imo. Metagross on the other hand has a mega evolution and is like one of my favorite shinys in the game.. I also use them both in one team on other pokmeon games (;. But if it came down to one.....it would be magmortor <3
  18. Since this is in player introductions..um.. Welcome to PRO! Good luck catching your legendary pokemon (:
  19. Good luck! I hope everything goes as planned for you <3
  20. Nice eevee! I wish it had more speed :'( Id say its worth 250k-350k at lvl 100 ev trained
  21. Not much because of that hp. But if anything you should get 200k
  22. Price can vary..id say the average one would go for 300kmin at lvl 100
  23. Hey, welcome to PRO! I hope you enjoy everything <3
  24. Well your just 12 hours off of being eligible for "RUKittenMe". If you would like to give our application a shot > https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=45490 < Someone will get back to you~ We always have exceptions (; The app is under "Questionnaire" If anything good luck with guild hunting! <3
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