Re: Selling Shiny Dratini (Auction) !!!
<r><QUOTE author="PreHax"><s> </e></QUOTE>
Tho its not the 1st xD<e> </e></QUOTE>
isnt the first guy banned? xd<e> </e></QUOTE>
yes he is x'D</r>
The purple set is from the PvP Store. In order to obtain this you must play ranked pvp matches and get coins. Per server there is server color pvp cloak + purple cloak.
YOUR WINNER IS Duynghia!!!!!!!!!!! 2nd is Danno and 3rd Popadilla! Good job guys and thank you for participating! <3 After 2 more battles for 4th 5th and 6th the prizes will be giving out! Thank you all <3
You in a couple years, Digit wont be a friend anymore
Digit and i are BFF like you put in your sig, he cant do this to me :Proud:
Oh yasham bby <3 for revo xD