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Everything posted by Xrevolutionx94

  1. Gengar killed most of them and I had a lot of revives and full restores xD also my gengar was lvl 95 and ev trained at the league
  2. Hello and welcome officially! Hope you're enjoying your time (: and the pikachu I lost so bad the league yes I won :D
  3. Hey Han!! Finally welcome officially to forums/PRO! You run a very nice/fun discord :) I love it a lot and like I said before message me if you need anything! Have fun and good luck in blues legend tournament.
  4. The great PRO hunt begins xD
  5. Thanks for everything \o/ enjoy yourself!! We await your return <3
  6. Welcome back to PRO! I play yellow as well if you need any help feel free to message me (:
  7. \o\ /o/ \o/
  8. Get a toge one of its purposes is stall break
  9. Here We can see your skills; That what we want to see not your money. I have a lot of skill in pvp I'm not saying at all that in the best but I can work very well with what I have
  10. I understand this but yellow has purple and yellow cloaks so on my server will it just be thoes 2 or will there be like red blue ect.? Yes this is a choice of all PvP Cloaks/Hoods. This gives players an opportunity to obtain previously unobtainable colours. thank you :D can't wait <3
  11. It's not that we are "afraid" it's that we took so much time to put a team together and now that there is a ot limit we must go and refarm pokes ev train and lvl up then meanwhile like myself a lot of us have irl things to tend to I for one work a min of 41 hours a week sometimes 70hours so yeah
  12. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r><QUOTE author="Carlito2"><s> </e></QUOTE> Jan 15th</r>
  13. I understand this but yellow has purple and yellow cloaks so on my server will it just be thoes 2 or will there be like red blue ect.?
  14. I do have one last question the pvp cloaks. Will they just be the ones on your server or a pick of any of them?
  15. Recording them sounds pretty cool :D
  16. This sounds 100x better thank you
  17. \o/ :Angel:
  18. Also I got 1300 pvp wins useing 5/6 ot Pokemon season 2 of yellow server pvp season so yeah wonder how many of those people brought all their pokes
  19. Once again Pokemon is more then catching them all and training them all yourself pvp in Pokemon is also based upon trading for better pokes and selling/trading Pokemon till you get a team you like although yes a lot of people don't wanna trade bc they like having their ot on their pokes.
  20. These pokes have all base 100 stats garbage or not they're still very very good in pvp
  21. Re: Mariel and Marowak <t>750k marrow</t>
  22. Just making sure.
  23. So there's banned Pokemon aswell?
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