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Everything posted by Xrevolutionx94
Xrevolutionx94 replied to Mutantnair's topic in Official Tournaments and Events
Player name: xRevolutionx94 Showdown name: JustRevo Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 4 -
like this man said I had to create a fucking poll about gensect to get it banned it wasn't qb or anything and it was already said by a dev that he wont ban anything he codes and that's just a problem that needs to be fixed imo if you want pvp to be a great thing for this mmo
I would assume that the people assigned to this counsel would have vast knowledge in the pvp aspect of the game so therefore I don't think antyhting they would do would tech hurt the game. End game for Pokémon is either like I said in prev posts battle frontier/ filling the dex/ pvp now the pvp area, a lot of people have invest so much time into this game and want a well working pvp system and being like I said before pvp is finally getting the attention it needs I think it's time that we come together and clean up pvp. Having to make post after post after post and waiting several weeks thengetting a pole to possibly agree or disagree to get one Pokémon or ability banned is a bit of an annoyance. So this imo would clean everything up an make pvp how we want it *most people in pro at least* like we had to make a post to get genesect banned and gren is still in ranked and that's saying something. Unless someone steps up and takes full control of pvp and does what's right the this is the other option * you have people with far better pvp knowlage outside of staff fyi*
This was an idea in the past that never got totally brought to light, but now that pvp is getting some real attention it may be reasonable to go forward with this. ESP with Megas possibly coming to light and mons like greninja roaming free in ranked. It just needs some support so I 100% like and promote this post
VOTE: No Reason: being able To trap multiple typing mons without having to execute a move is in all honesty brain dead and broken fyi one of the reasons shadow tag was banned it can come in as a revenge killer and confirm kill without you doing anything about that also a mon that can kill a core by itself without you being able to switch is a bit stupid imo also (dugtrio) this mon will 99% always being on how it's used will always have a 200 base fighting type move while trapping just about every mon ( also mon got a decent attack buff in 7th gen. No point on unbanning somthing then community already banned. {will get rating today ples don't delete}rating: top 5 yellow server in every but one season/ top 25 silver 5x :D
Aye burdy :bingcry: cya when p1 finally drops ;) <3
damn that come back sheeeet
Hello and welcome to yet another Showdown Tournament. Just like all past tours I have hosted, this will take place on this site ---> https://pokemonshowdown.com/ <---- ABOUT This will be a 7th gen OU showdown tournament. All pokemon from 7th gen ou will be allowed (Koko, lele, bulu, toxapex ect..) The battles will all be best of 3 and everyone will be given a total of 3 days to get into the battles. Megas and Z-moves are allowed. You must have all replays of your battles and be able to join the discord linked here. ---> https://discord.gg/hUkEk4E <--- HOW TO SIGN UP? All you need to do is comment bellow your showdown username and your PRO user name :D Sign ups will close in 7 days total after this post is made so sign up quick! Don't forget to join the discord. 1st. $125 2nd. $50 3rd. $25 and a hug from Akalli
8th Official Ladder Tournament
Xrevolutionx94 replied to Aphotyx's topic in Official Tournaments and Events
Player name: xRevolutionx94 Showdown name: Rawr_Revo Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 2 -
I support this ;D
Pro developing slowly and hopefully it continues to implement good things
:CharYay:Welcome to the PRO Metronome Tournament:CharYay: This will be another showdown hosted tournament consisting of Pokémon with one move (Metronome).This will take part in 7th gen Anything Goes format and members from Silver server and Gold server will be able to participate. If you don't know what showdown is the take a look at this link : https://play.pokemonshowdown.com. Its a battle simulator that consists of everything and anything that's been introduced in Pokémon and you create teams to battle/ test others. Any other questions can be asked via pm or discord :D This will be a best of 3 and take place in 7th gen Anything Goes and you MAY use any pokemon with the move metronome that's allowed in Anything goes. The tournament sign ups being today and will drag out for a total of 1 week. After said week is over I'll give everyone one whole day to make teams and prep myself to create the brackets then the tournament will be underway the following day. Do not forget your Pokémon can only have one move! Comment below your Pokemon Showdown! username and Join this discord : ------> https://discord.gg/DaVsHgb <----- 1st: $50 (If you play on Silver server you will get an additional 2million) 2nd: $20 (If you play on Silver Server you will get an additional Shiny Claydol) 3rd: $10
Player name: xRevolutionx94 Showdown name: Rawr_Revo Server: Red Rank on ladder: 1st
WOO THANK GOSH cya next season
Dragonite can't come into blaze* sorry type and same thing espeed into ferro rip dnight never coming back in after rocks
These calcs don't make sense. Listen carefully yes we already know only azuma and crawdaunt can kill a blazeiken.. also dragonite can't come into a dragonite it can only attempt to revenge kill and band espeed still don't kill so u die to a knock off into a hjk. Anyway like I said before crawdaunt cannot be switch into a blaziken nor can azuma, crawdaunt straight up gets blown back and azuma takes like 50% now our fear is to aquajet into it before it sweeps your team now the guy switches out into his iron barbs rockhelm ferrothorn sndnd you're forced to switch out while they double right back into blaziken and take another life... u have no counters or checks for this mon. All you're doing is saying azuma and crawdaunt can kill it and we all already know this but if expert players play this mon they will always add ferrothorn in the team to prevent aquajetd and now with talons nerf it can no longer kill blaziken after rocks or after it attack.. it just saying it's a broken ass Pokémon and I been around competitive play for nearly 7 years to back everything I say up.
so every team must incrop a azumarill with a band and full hp? do u see why this pokemon is broken or no? also okay grats now its does like 45% and now u about to lock urself into aqua jet on a ferrothorn and after that taking ironbarbs and rockhelm? then do u ever switch back in?!?!?!? bro please is this not evidence enough?
With the regular sets Knockoff, High Jump Kick, Sword dance and blitz. Jellicent switching into a knock off after they know u have it: 252+ Atk Life Orb Blaziken Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Jellicent: 257-304 (63.6 - 75.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO 252+ Atk Life Orb Blaziken Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Jellicent: 120-140 (29.7 - 34.6%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers Gyarados: after a Sword dance and intimidate: +1 252+ Atk Life Orb Blaziken High Jump Kick vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Gyarados: 261-308 (78.8 - 93%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock and burn damage Slowbro: +2 252+ Atk Life Orb Blaziken Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowbro: 385-455 (97.7 - 115.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock Chandelure: +2 252+ Atk Life Orb Blaziken Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Chandelure: 621-733 (237.9 - 280.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO Alolola: +2 252+ Atk Life Orb Blaziken High Jump Kick vs. 200 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 476-562 (91.3 - 107.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery Azumarill coming into a blaze: 252+ Atk Life Orb Blaziken High Jump Kick vs. 92 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 172-203 (47.2 - 55.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Azuma trying to kill blaze: 252+ Atk Huge Power Azumarill Aqua Jet vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Blaziken: 212-252 (70.4 - 83.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock The fact that if this mon makes a double on another pokemon, nothing will stop it from blowing a pokemon to 50% hp or more/ taking a life. The intimidation of blaziken being able to kill any pokemon in the meta and esp after a sd makes u force sac every mon to it... since when do we want to switchout and let it sd? Now this is why its broken and if lele is introduced paried with blaziken it would legit be an unstoppable force...
ill run some calcs for you so you can decide one second
nothing counters blaziken? only 2 cant revenge kill in our meta everything gets blowback even thinks like slowbro and alolamola get 1 shotted after a sd
First off none of these Pokémon can switchin to a blaze without taking out over half hp it's only used to revenge kill and saying that if this mon is paired with ferrothorn after takeing 50 from a blitz ect w.e u now take all this damage from jetting into a ferro and once the craw or azu die blaziken takes lives also blaziken known for running thundervpunch :D also I won't force myself to build a team and always have a azuma or craw in it indont want to worry about one Pokémon everytime I build...