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Everything posted by Xrevolutionx94

  1. I'll Insta gyara
  2. If that be the case I offer 4m
  3. Hello welcome to pro*yellow server* if you ever need some help feel free to message me in game or here and I spen alotbof time in vermillion so you could stop by if you have any questions good luck and enjoy :Angel:
  4. Same this shouldn't be an alternative
  5. Our winner========Defusey xD I like the variety of colors tho!! thx everyone good luck! (:
  6. Pm me Ing and I'll sell you a m.s >>>>ign= xrevolutionx94
  7. Time to go catch revo a goat O:
  8. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow server <t>~So far we have 26 participants~~More participants=bigger prizes~~</t>
  9. Welcome I hope you enjoy everything :Angel:
  10. Yeah I had a friend from day 1 of the server that I have removed a very lon time ago pop um from time to time
  11. [glow=red] [/glow] [glow=red] [/glow]
  12. yeah so basically the burn is basically still affected by the attack that turn so the berry really doesn't server a purpose till the following turn as you can see I think this needs to get fixed bc its acting like ur still burned, and its nerfing a lot of ppls attks so if you burn someone 2x a lum berry doesn't even server a purpose at all vs pranksters also lum berries sometimes don't like to activate I don't have time to catch these in video because its so random
  13. Re: Shiny Abra+Tentacool <t>250,000 for both ^.^</t>
  14. Re: RUKittenMe? Yellow Server Guild Recruiting! <r><E>:Shocked:</E> <E>:Frown:</E></r>
  15. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow server <t>Karcaroth has entrd</t>
  16. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow server <t>harleyqyinzell has enterd</t>
  17. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow server <t>~ Pentagon1802 ~ has enterd</t>
  18. Re: THE BEST BLISSY ON SERVER <t>if youre smart I find serene grace better then natural heal bc aroma is a thing uk</t>
  19. [glow=red][/glow] [glow=red]SO FAR BEST OFFER IS 3,000,000 BY PLUR IN GAME NOT MUCH TIME LEFT YOU HAVE ABOUT 2 HOURS[/glow] THERE IS NO INSTA JUST GO ^..^
  20. Re: RUKittenMe? Yellow Server Guild Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="SugarRed9"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thank you xRevo-sama :3 <E>:Heart:</E> You are welcome if you ever wish to join us :D<e> </e></QUOTE> Noted ^.^</r>
  21. Re: RUKittenMe? Yellow Server Guild Recruiting! <t>This looks awesome haha love the pic good luck on your guild everyone ^.^</t>
  22. Re: xRevox~UPDATED EPIC POKES INSIDE~ <t>le bump xD</t>
  23. Start 1m insta =5m
  24. Re: Selling epic jolly gible, fully trained garchomp <t>1.2m (;</t>
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