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Everything posted by Xrevolutionx94

  1. Welcome welcome! <3
  2. Welcome back (: and I wish you luck on whatever server you choose I'm from yellow (:
  3. even tho I won the acution for this on pro and you then decline to go here I guess ill offer 7m....
  4. Re: WTS H.A Adamant Talonflame <t>ill do 2m</t>
  5. Welcome back hope all goes well for you and good luck!
  6. I'll numb my 3.5m bid to 3.8m
  7. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.7 <r><QUOTE author="PreHax"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> well u failed<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/MBcv2l7.png"><s></e></IMG><e> </e></QUOTE> 100th "post" not reply :P I win <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  8. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.7 <t>-is just here to be that 100th post xD</t>
  9. Nice shinys :Angel:
  10. xD wrong post but hi again ^.^
  11. Welcome! Hope you enjoy pro (:
  12. Re: Revos Halloween Tourny Yellow server <t>Bumpy (:</t>
  13. Sure sure! Will trade with you tonight when I get on o/ ty for your business!!! :Angel: Okay and no problem (:
  14. Sold. 75k fair price? O/ Sure sure!
  15. Or 1200 coins for anor and seedot ur pick :P
  16. I'll Insta all the dirty pokes xD
  17. Welcome (: *Yellow Server*
  18. Nice to meet you! I'm also from yellow if you need anything pm me or come t vermillion I'm there a lot good luck!
  19. 3.5m anor and 1m seedot
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