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Posts posted by Xrevolutionx94

  1. Okay so, for something to be considered a "counter" it needs to be able to not die to said Pokémon and can come into what ever it has and easily take care of it. For something to be considered a "check" you need to be able to come into a common move set with minimal damage and be able to force the mon out. You listed none of the above.

  2. Sorry but cant help to laugh. Dont see any reason whatsoever to ban a pokemon that has a ton of counters avalible. Let me just name a few here.


    Slowking,Alomomola,Venusaur,Blastoise,Bronzong,Flygon,Magneton,Medicham,Hitmonlee,Jellicent etc..


    Can understand playing the same old comps are fun and all but when the meta shifts this happens.

    Okay so, for something to be considered a "counter" it needs to be able to not die to said Pokémon and can come into what ever it has and easily take care of it. For something to be considered a "check" you need to be able to come into a common move set with minimal damage and be able to force the mon out. You listed none of the above.


    would just like to let you know your "counters" are invalid af. For one Slowking, Venu, Flygon. Magneton. Medi and lee all get one banned (cannot switch into the mon so therefore its not a "counter" Now then 2nd off Jelicent, blastoise and venu all get 2 shotted and get out sped so therefore...its not a "Counter" BUT ex Skarmory can come into this mon without dying in 2 turns so that would be your check :D

    You're just assumeing you'll sit there and do nothing during your turn. Ofcourse you'll get wrecked if you have nothing to use. That's goes for any and all pokemon's lol.

    Like for an example the venu, survives long enough to spore which opens up the possibility to take it out depending on how stupid the opponet is. If you suspect a switch you have the healing option on venu. And just play accordingly. Not sure what kind of "counters" you guys deem worthy or not. Since PRO doesn't have tiers, there is sure to be unbalances like the previously people have stated.

  3. Sorry but cant help to laugh. Dont see any reason whatsoever to ban a pokemon that has a ton of counters avalible. Let me just name a few here.


    Slowking,Alomomola,Venusaur,Blastoise,Bronzong,Flygon,Magneton,Medicham,Hitmonlee,Jellicent etc..


    Can understand playing the same old comps are fun and all but when the meta shifts this happens.



    would just like to let you know your "counters" are invalid af. For one Slowking, Venu, Flygon. Magneton. Medi and lee all get one banned (cannot switch into the mon so therefore its not a "counter" Now then 2nd off Jelicent, blastoise and venu all get 2 shotted and get out sped so therefore...its not a "Counter" BUT ex Skarmory can come into this mon without dying in 2 turns so that would be your check :D

  4. •Politoad(Bold/Calm) Evs- 252HP+176Def+RestSPAttk | Ability- Drizzle | Item- Damp Rock | Moveset) Icebeam, Hypnosis, Scald and Rest.

    •Kabutops(Adament) Evs- 252Attk+252SPD | Ability- Swift Swim | Item- Choice Band | Moveset) Stone Edge, Waterfall, Superpower and Aquajet.

    •Kingdra(Modest) Evs- 252SPD+252SPAttk | Ability- Swift Swim | Item- Choice Specs | Moveset) Hydro Pump, Icebeam, Surf and Draco Meteor.

    •Tangrowth(Sassy) Evs- 252HP+252SPDF | Ability- Regenerator | Item- Assault Vest | Moveset) Earthquake, Giga Drain, HpFire/Ice and Knock Off.

    •Garchomp(Impish) Evs- 252 HP+252DEF | Ability- Rough Skin | Item- Rocky Helmet| Moveset) Dragon Tail, Earthquake, Fire Blast and Stealth Rock.

    •Dragonite(Naive) Evs- 252SPD+252SPAttk | Ability- Multiscale | Item- Lifeorb | Moveset) Hurricane, Thunder, Superpower and Extremespeed.


    Added to balanced offensive***

  5. First of all i like dragons and dark types thats why im using them :) .Hydreigon,dragonite,crawdaunt have 252 evs speed.i think they arent to slow.Goodra has 46 speed evs too,is faster than support tyranitar,ada max speed azumarill,0 speed suicune,faster than mandibuzz,bold clefable,bold milotic,bold togekiss and most walls of the game and some offencive threats.Crawdaunt is faster than them too.Timid hydreigon with scarf is faster than modest max speed ludicolo in rain.Forretress can spin against many pokes and can take 2 scalds from jellicent switch out and give its place to crawdaunt with a slow volt switch,so if they stay in is a sure oh-ko with band knock off,or take a lot of damage for any switch in against it.Against clefable im using goodra's iron tail and ironhead.Band ironhead is always a 2oh-ko against bold clefable,clefable without any calm mind boost cant take nite down with 1hit when multiscale is active.Most of times it works,so i was in top25 in blue server 2 times with this team.


    /its an alright team but i needs to be touched up imo bc u do get destroyed by most highly offensive teams bc u cant do anything vs a talonflame and rocks :( clefable indeed hurts a bunch and azumarill :\ I'm looking into ur team to see what could be touch to avoid this :D. Its a decent team none the less

  6. • Garchomp(Impish) Evs-252HP+252Def | Ability-Rough Skin | Item-Rocky Helmet | Moveset) Dragon Tail, Fire Blast, Earthquake, Stealth Rock

    • Bisharp(Adamant) Evs-252Attck+252SPD | Ability-Defiant | Item-Life Orb | Moveset) Iron Head, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance

    • Crawdaunt(Naive) Evs-252Attck+252SPD | Ability-Adaptability | Item-Choice Scarf (lol) | Moveset) Knock Off, Crabhammer, Aqua Jet, Ice Beam

    • Ferrothorn(Impish) Evs-252HP+88Def+168SpDef | Ability-Iron Barbs | Item-Leftovers | Moveset) Leech Seed, Thunder Wave, Protect, Spikes

    • Talonflame(Impish) Evs-252HP+252Def | Ability-Gale Wings | Item-None | Moveset) Will-o-wisp, Bulk Up, Acrobatics, Roost

    • Starmie(Timid) Evs-252SpAttck+252SPD | Ability-Natural Cure | Item-Life Orb | Moveset) Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Rapid Spin.



    **Added to balanced offensive**

  7. • Tyranitar(Adamant) Evs-252HP+252Attck | Ability-Sand Stream | Item-Leftovers | Moveset) Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Crunch, Ice Punch

    • Serperior(Timid) Evs-252SpAttck+252SPD | Ability-Contrary | Item-Leftovers | Moveset) Glare, Leaf Storm, Dragon Pulse, Hidden Power Fire

    • Excadrill(Adamant) Evs-252Attck+252SPD | Ability-Sand Rush | Item-Life Orb | Moveset) Earthquake, Iron Head, Rock Slide, Rapid Spin

    • Togekiss(Timid) Evs-252HP+252SPD | Ability-Serene Grace | Item-Leftovers | Moveset) Air Slash, Nasty Plot, Roost, Aura Sphere

    • Talonflame(Adamant/Jolly) Evs-252Attck+252SPD | Ability-Gale Wings | Item-Choice Band | Moveset) Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, Sleep Talk, U-turn

    • Garchomp(Jolly) Evs-252Attck+252SPD | Ability-Sand Veil | Item-Lum Berry | Moveset) Poison Jab, Swords Dance, Dragon Claw, Earthquake.

    **Added to highly offensive teams****

  8. • Politoed(Bold/Calm) Evs-252HP+252Def | Ability-Drizzle | Item-Damp Rock | Moveset) Scald, Rest, Ice Beam, Sleep Talk.

    • Lucario(Adamant/Jolly) Evs-252Attk+252SPD | Ability - Justified | Item-Choice Band | Moveset) Close Combat, Ice Punch, Extremespeed, Crunch.

    • Ferrothorn(Impish) Evs-252HP+252Def | Ability-Iron Barbs | Item-Leftovers | Moveset) Leech Seed, Knock Off, Protect, Spikes.

    • Excadrill(Careful) Evs - 252HP+252SpDef | Ability-Sand Rush | Item-Leftovers | Moveset) Stealth Rock, Earthquake, Iron Head, Rapid Spin.

    • Omastar(Modest) Evs - 252SpAttck+252SPD | Ability-Swift Swim | Item-Choice Specs | Moveset) Surf, Scald, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, (or Ancient Power for late game situations).

    •Dragonite(Rash/Mild/Naughty/Lonely/Naive/Hasty) Evs-252SpAttck+252SPD+4Attck | Ability-Multiscale | Item-Life Orb | Moveset) Hurricane, Extremespeed, Superpower, Thunder.


    ***Added to balanced offensive****

  9. • Gengar(Timid) Evs-252SPD+252SPA | Item- Lifeorb | Moveset) Taunt, Focus Blast, Sludge Bomb and Shadowball.

    • Bisharp(Adament/Jolly) Evs- 252Attk+252SPD | Ability- Defiant | Item- Sash | Moveset) Sword Dance, Knock Off, Sucker Punch and Ironhead.

    • Clefable(Bold) Evs- 252DEF+252HP | Ability- Magic Guard | Item- Leftovers | Moveset) Thunder-Wave, Moonblast, Softboiled and Calm Mind.

    • Starmie(Timid) Evs- 252HP+252SPD | Ability- Natural Cure | Item- Leftovers | Moveset) Recover, Rapidspin, Scald and Psyshock.

    • Dragonite(Adament) Evs- 252Attk+252SPD | Ability Multiscale | Item- Lum Berry | Moveset) Dragon Dance, Fire Punch, Extremespeed and Outrage.

    • Ferrothorn(Relaxed) Evs- 252HP+176DEF+RestDEF | Ability- Ironbarbs | Items- Rocky Helmet | Moveset) Stealth Rock, Spikes, Leechseed and Gyroball.


    Added to Balanced offensive from [mention]axel02[/mention]

  10. The basic idea seems interesting but I don't like this post for the following reasons :

    • A PVP Meta, on principle, is supposed to change. Some teams are build, are very strong, and your opponent will know your team, then they will create a team to counter you. And you have to change your team to adapt yours to the counter team. It's a meta, it changes, slowly, sometimes very slowly, but it changes. By creating typical team to use, this post tend to fix the meta, the meta will change anyway but more slowly because newbies will use the team on this post. It slows down the ability of the meta to change. And in fact, when a new player will use one of your team, the "good" players on Ladder has already adapted their team to your team; so, even if this post is supposed to help them, it's a double-edged help.
    • In a battle, know your opponent build changes a lot the battle. The most dangerous PKM on pvp are the PKM with differents builds, because it changes your decision how to deal with this PKM, and a bad switch, a bad move can cost you some important HP or PKM for the rest of the battle. Typical build can help your opponent to counter you easier, if they know your exact build because you used one of the team here, they can adapt their play style and counter you. I will take one example :
      •Dragonite(Adament) Evs- 252Attk+252SPD | Ability- Multiscale | Item- Choice Band | Moveset) Earthquake, Outrage, Extremespeed and Ironhead.
      The fact they know in advance you don't have Dragon dance will change their decision, a Dragonite after DD can be a big issue, with Choice band, they will adapt their play style before taking any damages. They will have the information one turn before they are supposed to have it, and this turn can change the rest of the battle :/


    But, building a team is very hard, i admit i am very bad to do it, and some typical teams can help a new player to start PVP. And then, after fews battles without being destroy by anyone, maybe the new player will like PVP and start to build his own team adapted to the meta.


    So, i think you should emphasize the limits of using a typical team in your first post, so, the new players will not be surprised on PVP when their opponent will anticipate them easily.



    Some correction to do :


    It seems you don't like the nature Adamant :')

    • Amoongus (Bold) Evs- 252DEF+252HP | Ability- Regenerator | Item- NONE | Moveset) Sleep Powder, Sludgebomb, Gigadrain and Leechseed.
    Amoonguss has Spore, better than Sleep Powder. And i admit, i don't see why no Item, maybe to take a Knock off with less damages?


    There are fews more spelling mistakes but nothing important. For the rest, i can't really help on builds, like i said, i am not very good to build a team :/


    yeah when i had time i was going to recheck spelling. But this was made for people who r having trouble in pvp and dont know how to properly teambuild. Amoongus with no item hard coutner crawdaunts after sd and azumarill after bd. Like i said its just sample teams for everybody to get the hang on it! Also thanks on catching me on powder xD it was spore idk why i chandged it

  11. • Crawdaunt(Adament) Evs- 252Attk+252SPD | Ability- Adaptability | Item- Lifeorb | Moveset) Sword Dance, Knockoff, Crabhammer/Waterfall and Aquajet.

    • Dugtrio(Navie) Evs- 252Attk+252SPD | Ability- Arena Trap | Item- Sash | Moveset) Screech, Reversal, Earthquake and Stone Edge.

    • Togekiss(Timid) Evs- 252SPD+176HP+RestHP | Ability- Serene Grace | Item- Lum Berry | Moveset) Nasty Plot, Airslash, Roost and Aurasphear.

    • Azumarill(Adament) Evs- 252Attk+176SPD+RestHP | Ability Huge Power | Item Lum- Berry | Moveset) Bellydrum, Knock Off, Playrough and Aqua Jet.

    •Dragonite(Adament) Evs- 252Attk+252SPD | Ability- Multiscale | Item- Choice Band | Moveset) Earthquake, Outrage, Extremespeed and Ironhead.

    •Skarmory(Impish) Evs- 252HP+252DEF | Ability Sturdy | Item- Shedshell | Moveset) Toxic, Roost, Defog and Stealth Rock.


    *Added to STALL BREAK*

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