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Everything posted by Heiach

  1. Re: Streaming PRO (Sinnoh) Boss Runs & PvP Right Now! <r>Sinnoh's done! We're the quad-regional champion! Now it's time for some Boss Runs or PvP!<br/> <URL url="
  2. Re: Streaming PRO Sinnoh Region Right Now! <r>A bit of a grind stream today possibly:<br/> <URL url="
  3. Re: Streaming PRO Sinnoh Region Right Now! <r>Five badges down now! only 3 to go!! Ok yeah, it's streaming time:<br/> <URL url="
  4. Re: Streaming PRO Sinnoh Region Right Now! <r>3 Gyms down, let's aim for the 4th one this stream shall we?<br/> <URL url="
  5. Re: Streaming PRO Sinnoh Region Right Now! <r>2 Gyms down, 6 to go! Let's steam:<br/> <URL url="
  6. Re: Streaming PRO Sinnoh Region Right Now! <r>We're in actual real Sinnoh now!<br/> <URL url="
  7. Re: Streaming PRO Sinnoh Region Right Now! <r>Streaming Sinnoh - after waiting 2 hours to try the 5th trainer again!<br/> <URL url="
  8. Re: Streaming PRO Sinnoh Region Right Now! <r>It's finally Sinnoh time! Let's stream!<br/> <URL url="
  9. Heiach

    Enter Sinnoh

    Wow already? I was expecting it to be released tomorrow! I best get to streaming it soon then!
  10. Welcome, I'm Heiach. Whenever I stream PRO I put the vods straight onto my Youtube channel. If you prefer to watch those kinds of videos, what I'd call a playthrough, you can find a link to those right here: However earlier this year I went through all 300 hours of that footage and edited it all down into a concise Let's Play series with all of the uninteresting and random encounters cut out. You can check all of those out right below! Kanto: [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] Johto: [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] Hoenn: [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] Sinnoh: [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo]
  11. Re: Streaming PRO Bug Catching Contest Right Now! <r>Last bug catching stream? Sinnoh is 100% apparently!<br/> <URL url="
  12. Re: Streaming PRO Bug Catching Contest Right Now! <r>Not many more of these before I'll be streaming Sinnoh every day eh?<br/> <URL url="
  13. What if I did Top 10's? I'll see what I can do about a Johto Guide though.. maybe.
  14. Since I accidentally ended up choosing all 3 water starters up to this point, I guess I probably should pick Piplup. (A lot of time had passed before the next new region was out, coupled with my memory that I had forgotten what I even chose as my starter in the previous region(s))
  15. Re: Streaming PRO Bug Catching Contest Right Now! <r>Another mini-stream, catching us some bugs!<br/> <URL url="
  16. After all of the effort and grinding (over 6 hours), I finally get to test out my new shiny Rattata PvP team! I've only recently heard about this F.E.A.R tactic and thought I'd give it a go on PRO (not in official pvp mind, probably wouldn't be allowed!). [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] I think someone said during the stream that the team I used was illegal or something? I certainly didn't mean to break any rules, I just wanted to make a quick, silly little team. It's not like it was over powered or anything, I lost every single match!
  17. Re: Streaming PRO Bug Catching Contest Right Now! <r>Another small bug catching stream!<br/> <URL url="
  18. Re: Streaming PRO PvP Right Now! <r>Shall we try out my new shiny rattata pvp team? There's no WAY this can go badly!<br/> <URL url="
  19. I wonder if the next update might also include Sinnoh. It feels like we're getting close to it.. maybe even this month if progress really is 95%+ (I say that 'cos the first post in that thread says that progress is 90% and that was updated way back on May 20th).. but I guess mostly likely it'll be this Fall/Autumn :).
  20. Coin Store ingame, Not PVP Store, I have things planned for the PVPers, don't worry. :Cool: I didn't see them in the coin store under clothes nor headgear? I guess PRO needs a patch first to add them?
  21. Re: Shiny Pokemon During Bug Catching Contest! <t>So chuffed with this, doubt it'll ever happen again :P. Has anyone else had this much luck?</t>
  22. Can someone explain the normal repel trick to me? I mean I understand it as far as you stick on a repel so that all pokemon of a lower level than your lead pokemon don't appear.. but how will that help you get a specific pokemon that you want unless you some how know that it'll spawn at a level higher than your lead poke? Also good idea with the prompt when a repel runs out.. I often miss the message due to chat spam.
  23. Apparently we use "Normal coins" to buy them. 9oomy in the first post said that they would be available to everyone, not just PVPers. Also " they are tradeable" although I'm not sure how the source of this info got it (on page 1 of this thread). Anyone know what normal coins are? Like Pokedollars, the base currency in the game or do they mean the coins you buy with real money? I was about to ask when they will be available as I haven't noticed anyone wearing these all week etc.. and then I noticed that this post was only made today, wow! I guess when I log in in 90mins for my stream, I'm gonna see a whole lot of rainbow players eh?
  24. Those cloaks look awesome but I see no explanation as to how to obtain them?
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