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Everything posted by Heiach

  1. Re: Streaming PRO (Sinnoh) PvP & Boss Runs Right Now! <r>More EV training tonight!<br/> <URL url="
  2. Next is Bruno. Please don't give me Focus Sashes! Click for ze full playlist: [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo]
  3. Next up is the legendary "..." Red! Clicky clicky playlist: [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo]
  4. Now it's time for The Pumpkin King! Which I believe is the easiest of all of the level 120 bosses! Full playlist: [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo]
  5. Next up is Officer Shaman! Will I continue my winning streak? Full playlist, clicky: [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo]
  6. Re: Streaming PRO (Sinnoh) PvP & Boss Runs Right Now! <r>More boss runs!<br/> <URL url="
  7. Today's boss is the one and only Professor Oak! Click ze link for the whole playlist: [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo]
  8. Heiach Vs Naero! Will I get my revenge after losing last time? Click here for the whole playlist: [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo]
  9. Re: Streaming PRO (Sinnoh) PvP & Boss Runs Right Now! <r>Here we go!<br/> <URL url="
  10. The next boss is Koichi! Things are looking up at this point, I haven't lost... yet! [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo]
  11. Re: Streaming PRO (Sinnoh) PvP & Boss Runs Right Now! <r>It's boss beating time!<br/> <URL url="
  12. Here we go, boss number 3 in Kanto, Erika! She's hidden well within the Viridian maze! [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo]
  13. I'll be posting a new video/boss each day :). Click the link for the whole playlist: [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo] [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo] Here's today's boss video, I hope you enjoy!
  14. Re: Streaming PRO (Sinnoh) PvP & Boss Runs Right Now! <r>It's time for some more grind streaming!<br/> <URL url="
  15. Welcome to my boss guide. I'll be posting a new video every day. I should be covering all of the bosses. These are clips from my boss run streams that I did on Twitch. I hope you enjoy! Click the link just below to see the full playlist: [bBvideo=560,315] [/bBvideo]
  16. Re: Streaming PRO (Sinnoh) PvP & Boss Runs Right Now! <r>Probably a grind stream tonight!<br/> <URL url="
  17. Re: Streaming PRO (Sinnoh) PvP & Boss Runs Right Now! <r>Maybe a grind stream tonight..<br/> <URL url="
  18. Re: Streaming PRO (Sinnoh) PvP & Boss Runs Right Now! <r>Pvp time now apparently, as requested!<br/> <URL url="
  19. Re: Streaming PRO (Sinnoh) Boss Runs & PvP Right Now! <r>More bosses most likely!<br/> <URL url="
  20. Re: Streaming PRO (Sinnoh) Boss Runs & PvP Right Now! <r>Let's try again shall we? Boss run time!<br/> <URL url="
  21. Re: Streaming PRO (Sinnoh) Boss Runs & PvP Right Now! <r>Streaming some more bosses!<br/> <URL url="
  22. Re: Streaming PRO (Sinnoh) Boss Runs & PvP Right Now! <r>Pikachu grind stream today and then maybe Jessie & James Bosses!<br/> <URL url="
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