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About Emirichu

  • Birthday 05/06/1999

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  • Occupation
    Daycare Management

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  1. After i've used my x1 coin capsule, the server crashed. Now, in my player account have 100 coin and i still have my x1 coin capsule in my inventory What should i do?
  2. Hello! I want to sell this lucario in gold server! Auction time is 24 hour after the first bidding S.O : 1M Insta : 4M Minimal Bid 100k
  3. Name Change Username: Sharlene New Username: Emirichu Server to charge the money from: Silver
  4. NAME CHANGE Username: Safichu New Username: Sharlene Server to charge the money from: Silver
  5. I have completed all 16 badges on the test server in 23, February 2019 to be exact and haven't receive the free safari pass. I heard you need to talk to an npc to choose the server but I think I haven't. Is there any possible way I can still receive the rewards on the silver server
  6. In-Game Name: Safichu Discord Tag: Amethyst#8940 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord?: Often What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord?: A channel that have a topic about PVP,Daycares, And PVE for those who needs
  7. Hi! Do you have a discord? Join here for more information: https://discord.gg/vb8m3Qe If you don't have one can you pm me the pokemon you needed to service and your in game name thanks~
  8. Name Change Please :D Current Username : SapphireChloe Change Into : Safichu
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