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Everything posted by Gmartins

  1. +1 for sure and im not even very into anime, great idea!
  2. @Gabriel10hdz today i might be on longer, hopefully we can meet ingame, let me know if u have a time to come on please bro
  3. @Manbat Hey, sry to bother! Is there a way to force this purchase? we are still unable to meet online at the same time
  4. hey! how much is the careful scizor?
  5. 412k rotom Edit: not sure if this bid was still on time, but if not then sry cause i didn't check before posting!
  6. 410k rotom
  7. 401k rotom
  8. i answered in pm, let me know when you're online. from now + 3h i can be on anytime to trade i think
  9. In case Digaol decides to not buy, i'll buy it, ty
  10. Hello! How much is this one?
  11. Sadly I won't be able to finish the map in time, however I still wanted to submit it. A strange winter was upon this so often called 'a calm town', in the mountain side... Snow was formed from within the caves and a strange feeling rages from within... Why is there a crystal shining inside the old crater?... the map: the paths within the map:
  12. I'm on right now, let me know if you're available. pm ingame, Gmartins
  13. I should be on in about 1h
  14. hello! i wanna insta exca 4 (adamant sand rush)
  15. Sry i wasn't on all day! I will be more available tomorrow, or now, if you are on pm here, i can go login
  16. hey, 600k timid hp ground larv
  17. 1.4m + 5k
  18. hey mate, i wanna take this one, tyty let me know when online
  19. Gmartins (Silver) - Lava Balls
  20. Gmartins (Silver) - RainBalls
  21. Hello! If shop still open, i'd like to discuss starmie, ty!
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