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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    98-99 either way, hopefully this month :P
  2. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Alright sounds good, ill add you to member list now: Welcome to RH
  3. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    You have read all rules and agree with them.
  4. whats your channel? Are they pokemon videos?
  5. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Already planned to store my own personal pokemon items and other things for prizes
  6. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Yes all pokemon found in the hunts get to keep it they are the ones that caught it I'll just have to see SS of it in battle with time and their OT to verify them owning it and they will get the prize
  7. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Should I have read further than this? Yes.
  8. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Sound like a great addition to the guild and welcome! Will add you to the member list now! Also everyone, I will not be ingame or anything for a good while til game is live as I am going to be putting a lot of my free time into my wife and kids, I will keep the thread flowing and adding members but until game is live i won't be on during the test phase much. Lets keep RH growing to be the best!
  9. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    No worries I understand, hard to wanna really play to lose it all when live :) And congrats to RH, we now have the best statistics in replies/views in the guild section. Lets keep up the good work!
  10. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Sure you can BoomBox, ill put you on the member list :) Welcome BoomBox everyone
  11. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Yea, I'm not a guild hopper, in most of the other games I play I'm still in the guild which I joined when I first started (One being 6+ years). And I agree to the rules. Hoping to see you guys in the game! ~Dede Sounds good adding you to the member list now: Welcome to the Guild and can't wait to hunt with you when live!! Ill help you find that perfect gastly! Everyone welcome Dede
  12. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Sounds good, and you agree with the rules and plan to stay loyal to RH if added?
  13. Im guessing this is Yukiro from PWO
  14. Not fully understanding what your saying, but if your wanting to get to next city after cerulean you need to go up nugget bridge and follow the path to Bills house and help him with a task, as well as beat the gym. Then the guard will be gone from in front of the house door letting you move on to next city.
  15. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    I dont plan to level to 100, there isnt any point in leveling comps past 50. Without breeding, its going to be more than difficult to build a proper team. Not to mention the time it takes to EV them and moveset them. So when Im being told that a Pokemon that is essential to comp play is going to be even harder to come by than the norm, its a bit disheartening. Well ultimately this is a mmo not the handhelds so its not meant to be the she system as that however we want to do the best we can to male the game as complete as possible and as fun and to the players likes as possible so sorry if its not to your liking but were doing the best we can.
  16. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    There will be little cracks in the ground around caves and stuff, and if your pokemon knows dig it can dig up that spot and there is a CHANCE to dig up items, and some of the items are fossils: That is how you will obtain the old amber and other fossils, and they arent great chances, but they are there none the less. thi Things like this are what I mean when this game is not conducive to competitive play. Aerodactyl is a high usage poke and theyre going to be damn near impossible to get. if this is the only way to get fossils, the chance of finding them needs to be far greater than 1/200 Not all the fossils will be 1/200 chance or so hard to get, only extremely valuable ones: And trust I know you want competitive play, and believe that PRO isn't really on the competitive side of things, but trust me when i say Nikola(Red) knows a ton about competitive play as well as myself, and some others and the battle system will get there, but can only focus on so many things at a time. Have no worries, that it will indeed in the end, but all you could hope for and more I am sure.
  17. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    I am not sure on the reset time of the dig spots would have to check
  18. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    There will be little cracks in the ground around caves and stuff, and if your pokemon knows dig it can dig up that spot and there is a CHANCE to dig up items, and some of the items are fossils: That is how you will obtain the old amber and other fossils, and they arent great chances, but they are there none the less.
  19. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Umbreon is on my list. Umbreon Charizard Aerodactyl Lapras Gyarados are my top 5's. Aero is gonna be a tough one to get, cause its fossil will only be obtainable in dig spots in caves, and the chance is like 1/200 I believe :) So when RH members find that fossil, CHERISH it haha And Engineer, safari may be better, as Valencia is the first of the orange islands, and will be a while before players can go there.
  20. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    I can assure if he had S eevee it was spawned when it wasn't suppose to be, as the chances to find S eevee are INSANELY unlikely.
  21. means that the map no longer exist, or there is an error with the maps linking or such, when Niko or Shane, or a mapper can look into this it will get fixed, as Im leaving for work now and can't. Thanks for reporting
  22. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    No doubt. I saw someone with a shiny Eevee the other day and all I could do was feel sorry for them. I didnt see any point in doing anything till I know I get to keep my stuff. Ive been playing since last Saturday and Ive only caught like 5 pokes and have 1 badge. You saw a regular player with a Shiny Eevee? I would like to know who this is if you remember, as its not possible for regular players to get to where Eevee is catchable yet that i know of.
  23. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Indeed, im really getting the itch to be live soon :) This so much, I pretty much just go online to chat. Im not big on playing through the story more than once, Im an end-game kind of guy. Yeah i just don't wanna hunt and do all my stuff and lose it again atm
  24. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Indeed, im really getting the itch to be live soon :)
  25. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Have you read all guild rules and agree to follow them? Yea, read the whole OP. Then we would be glad to have you: Get ready cause Shane has been coding in the guild functions and they will be coming soon, as well as the Live Release, so when that happens RH will take off to the top! :) Added you to member list now
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