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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Removed Markwalberg from the guild for being in another guild: I dont like guild hopping, this goes for other members if you want to be in RH be in RH if you want to be in another guild that is fine, but can't do both. If i find others in double guilds on forums you will be removed. Thanks
  2. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Added you both to the guild: welcome to RH if you want to chat with members ingame please join channel RareHunters ingame one word, or download and use the teamspeak channel that is mentioned above, though that is not the main chat used ATM. Enjoy
  3. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    added new members to list: Welcome to Rare Hunters and may the hunt be with you!
  4. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    You sound cool and we would be glad to have you I'll add you to member list when I get home from work in a couple hours. And your welcome from me and rest of staff we worked hard and hope you enjoy the game
  5. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Added latest members to the guild list!! LETS KEEP GROWING RH!! Will be official in next 4 days!! Dudeman always bro!
  6. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    You all sound like great recruits, and I appreciate the enthusiastic post and eagerness for the RH guild! You have all been added and entered into the member list on forums! As soon as I reach the 100 hours ingame time I will officially make the guild with the logo and send out invites ingame! Please remember I have 2 kids and a wife and work full time so I have to put them first but i put as many hours ingame as I can!! Im at 60, so bare with me and thanks again!! MUDKIP!! WELCOME BACK BRO, I expect a lot out of you and hope you enjoy the game I helped make with the other great staff!! BLOWS PWO AWAY
  7. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Changed your name in the list of members Vongola thanks for letting me know: And glad ya'll like the logo
  8. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Sure bro just let me know what the new name is and ill replace it: ALSO UPDATE: Im halfway there on hours for the guild to be official: When I reach the 100 hours the guild will be official and this is the LOGO to be used above our heads!! I MADE THIS FOR US SO LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK: LOGO PREVIEW:
  9. Re: Suhuzen & RedMy007's PokeMart <t>Suhu how much for the Shiny Seadra, Shiny Muk. Name price :)</t>
  10. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    You both sound good welcome to the guild: Ill be making it officially ingame when i reach the 100 hours, until then feel free to come to RareHunters channel and chat with those that are on at the time you are. Enjoy and see you soon
  11. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Join Channel: RareHunters Can you tell me more about you, and have you read the guild rules? And what brought you to RH over other guilds.
  12. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Added you to the guild, welcome and hope to see you ingame whenever were on at the same time.
  13. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    it's cool to me I will be playing the main storylines to get them done real fast before anything anyways. Sounds good adding you to the members now: Welcome to RH
  14. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    sounds good to me, only thing is I have to reach the 100 hours ingame to start the guild officially with the logo tag so if your cool with waiting for that and just hunting with us and chilling then sounds good to me.
  15. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Hey can I join the guild? Can you tell me some things about yourself, what attracted you to this guild, and you have read the rules and agree?
  16. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    see you ingame bro
  17. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Same for me ^ My apologies I have added you, i must have overlooked you.
  18. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    No worries we will see you on your return, and don't worry about the logo ill create one myself on photoshop for us to use :)
  19. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    release is estimated Aug 7-8th but no guarantees so take with grain of salt :)
  20. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Alright bro, changed to add a glow to it so should be better for your eyes. Thanks for the report!
  21. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    Sorry for the late reply was busy, welcome to the guild you are added :) See you when live! SOON I like what I read and you seem to be dedicated!! Added you to the guild and welcome!! See you when live and can't wait to hunt! Added you as well!! Welcome to the guild!
  22. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    You have read all the rules and agree to be loyal? You have read all the rules and agree to be loyal?
  23. Some of me I guess
  24. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    I remember you king, and you have read all the rules and agree? Yea. i read all the rule and i agree. Then Welcome to the Rare Hunters, I will add you to the guild members now and look forward to hunting with you and all when game is live offically!
  25. Knuckles

    Rare Hunters

    I remember you king, and you have read all the rules and agree?
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