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Everything posted by Chriserit

  1. ok here are first 3 emotes will update it as i will create BrockInLove BrockOMG pinkan rattata lewd CharmanderHi OshawottWonderful OshawottDealWithIt OshawottAngry OshawottWow FeelsBidoofMan BrockMaracas OshawottLove BuizelLOL MayYouKnowWhatIMean MayNP PiplupSmirk how it looks on discord:
  2. i am curious can you use images from pokemon anime series and modify them in order to make a emote? to better clarify i will make an example https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ha0jos71YLs/T8gIs0qzccI/AAAAAAAAAWk/IhCbWK1MZMM/s1600/Pansage_usando_Mordisco.jpg this is from a battle from the anime can i use the image, cut out what is not oshawott and draw the missing part of the head? the main draw is not from me but i modify it to suit an emote, so is both mine and not mine
  3. i am in blue server and i dont like these data xD
  4. i think that if you ask you can collect info from other guilds too. it would make it even better. maybe when it will grow you can also add a winrate of each pokemon
  5. i like the idea and will support u even if i am pretty sure i know more than you into my category of playstyle but i wanna see what a professional can tell about it and give a feedback to whoever want to try so yea i will give it a try teach me :D
  6. let's hope i will get it :Angel: i need one to play black and white
  7. Facebook: https://i.imgur.com/dvyr3Iy.png Instagram: https://i.imgur.com/Bhg0y0c.png Youtube: https://i.imgur.com/ejKf1W1.png Twitter: https://i.imgur.com/wfGCPjQ.png Npc 1: Name: Christian Map: House in Hearthome City (next to Npc 2: Shaylyn) Dialogue: Shaylyn saved my life. She taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. I’ll always miss her. But our love is like the wind. I can’t see it, but I can feel it. Npc 2: Name: Shaylyn Map: House in Hearthome City (next to Npc 1: Christian) Dialogue: Christian warned me about being too cute but i didn't believe him so to make up for it i decided to marry him. if you would do this for me i would be really grateful
  8. WTB good deino or evo
  9. Re: BeZeeD's Shop <3 <t>buy shiny parasect</t>
  10. wtb bubblegum headgear prefered pink but any color accepted
  11. IGN: chriserit State: italy i would like to have it so i can play on nintendo switch with my friends
  12. It's available but it's bugged. Some times it just does a normal switch instead of baton passing. ok then i need a clarification and maybe you know it ... can i have 2-3 or even more baton pass in team and baton pass only with one pokemon during the match? obv always following the thing no speed and another stat passed
  13. any chance baton pass will be avaiable for pvp? they are hella fun and are a great counter to the tanks that get played so much in pvp
  14. In PRO most of the pokemon's movesets are in generation6, some in gen5, some even in gen4, none in gen7 Scolipede's moveset is in generation6 that it can't learn iron defense by itself Only whirlipede can learn it at 22lv I don't think PRO would update the moveset to gen7 in short time but why when i evolved in whirlipede it didnt learn it. is it because i had to evolve venipede at level 22 in whirlipede and get it? if so pratically i can never learn it now right?
  15. ------------------------------------------ Move/ Ability/ Item Name: Goeey Ability Explanation (Bugged/ Not Yet Coded): doesnt slow down when u hit goomy/goodra ... or at least no text appear when you attack goomy/goodra Description of Bug/ Not Code: no slow down when u hit him How it should be: TEXT HERE it should slow down when u attack him ------------------------------------------
  16. ------------------------------------------ Move/ Ability/ Item Name: Gooey Ability Explanation (Bugged/ Not Yet Coded): doesnt slow down when u hit goomy/goodra ... or at least no text appear when you attack goomy/goodra Description of Bug/ Not Code: no slow down when u hit him How it should be: TEXT HERE it should slow down when u attack him ------------------------------------------
  17. so i had a venipede and leveled him up till i had a Scolipede level 100. the problem is that when i evolved him i couldnt learn Iron Defense (is supposed to be learned on evolution) and move relearner don't make relearn it. any way i can fix this?
  18. is iron defense on scolipede learnable? i leveled it up but didnt learn it and move relearner dont have it
  19. 200k for sneasel
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