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About Elpulpin

  • Birthday 03/08/2001

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  1. +1
  2. Hi, ive been a player since 2015 aprox. I have been banned, reformed, guild leader, etc. I tried to come back to the game i love the most, but is so hard and weird and it feels like is not the same game anymore. Only the PVP EXCLUSIVE PLAYERS dont care about the game status at this points. The main problem i have now is the weird tower exp that they added at the regions. I love when i can go to a route or a cave and farm exp finishing it with some rc. :c
  3. Great suggestion
  4. Once u catch a legendary like Kyruem, Regi or something else, it is not. However, if you failed to catch a legendary, u can try it again. pd: bad english xd
  5. Player name: CryomaNcer002 Server you are on (won't be changed on our side after you registered): Gold Timezone (in GMT): GMT -5
  6. Current name: ElPulpin Change into : Cryomancer002 Payment Server of Choice : Gold
  7. Re: ----- ADAMANT DRAGONITE ------ KANTO POKE H.A 30,29,31 <r><QUOTE author="alex1990pao13" post_id="500030" time="1516925149" user_id="1358141"><s> </e></QUOTE> in vermillion</r>
  8. Re: ----- ADAMANT DRAGONITE ------ KANTO POKE H.A 30,29,31 <r><QUOTE author="alex1990pao13" post_id="500030" time="1516925149" user_id="1358141"><s> </e></QUOTE> ok</r>
  9. Start bid 350k Insta 800k
  10. NPC Team: Scizor, Salamance NPC Name: Ofi Starting text: Happy Halloween... Wait... Argh, I forget the event phrase... ... Anyway... LETS FIGHT!! Losing text: AARRGHH YOU HAVE LUCK THIS TIME
  11. PLEASE I CANT SELECT MY SCREENSHOTS TO PASTE IN THIS POSTE, PLEASE HELP ME OR YOU CAN SEARCH ME IN FACEBOOK LIKE MISA TORRES AND YOUTUBE ANDRE ESPINOZA NPC name:Misael NPC speak: Hey I see you have pokemons, lets have a battle so I can show you how strong I am Npc speak (no battle): I like to walk out here, but it still very exhausting :confused: Npc location: Anywhere, but in a big route if its possible :) :thanks: :thanks:
  12. honedge
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