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Everything posted by Mipha

  1. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Re: Memoire <r><QUOTE author="thomlin96"><s> </e></QUOTE> Oh hey, sure if you don't mind to wait and be in reserve list? Our guild is full atm, we're still waiting for guild slots increased when server improved. <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  2. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Re: Memoire <r><QUOTE author="rharha"><s> </e></QUOTE> Oh hey Rharha, lol no need to sorry at all and your welcome.<e> </e></QUOTE> <SIZE size="85"><s></s>hoops~ i think your going to bed xD<br/> dont push yourself miph~ you can sleep as well :3<br/> btw where you get 217 post?<e></e></SIZE><e> </e></QUOTE> Thanks Rharha c: I'm going to sleep later. Right now, I'm with Grad and Xeno on drawing game. You just post forum pretty much to get.</r>
  3. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Re: Memoire <r><QUOTE author="rharha"><s> </e></QUOTE> Oh hey Rharha, lol no need to sorry at all and your welcome.</r>
  4. Re: [Art Freebies] Draw Me /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\OC Art Request <r>Scarlettrose just draw the 2 of us <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  5. Nope sorry; make another account for different name'
  6. Yep what Astrid said :Smile:
  7. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Re: Memoire <r><E>:Sing:</E></r>
  8. yeah,,but the hiker cant move..so i guess its a bug lol;; sad :Frown:
  9. Aww hiker is blocking the dig crack D: :Shocked:
  10. Sorry guys you have to find other guild to join. Scaydi disband the guild few weeks ago. She's in our guild. Good luck.
  11. Re: [showcase]~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~ <r>Hey Somes, you can make me a pichu signature any style you want. Just take your time. c:<br/> <U><s></s>Text<e></e></U><br/> IGN: Mipha<br/> Guild: Memoire<br/> Quote: A part of me will always be with you.</r>
  12. Re: Locations of the hidden items - Updated 2015-09-28 <r>Thanks Kombo <E>:Smile:</E> You're the best~!</r>
  13. Wow! Nice shop Saylas, cheap/fair selling guildmate! :Grin: :Smile: :Shy:
  14. Mipha

    Memoire PROGuild

    Re: Memoire <r><QUOTE author="iTzXeno"><s> </e></QUOTE> <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  15. 1. There's no benefit for being in the guild, just hang out with guildmates-socialize. If you're expecting to join for boost exp/membership<No benefit. 2. No. Your Kanto pokemon will be lock in PC storage til you have all 16th badges to unlock. Your money, held items, HM, -bag still be with you.
  16. /gleave
  17. Oh my gosh! Need to catch myself a chingling :Smile: thanks for info *read your guys post' Nice bringing out the post~owner thread!
  18. Mipha

    black map

    If you're using android, you have to wait for its update- https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5332
  19. Mipha

    black map

  20. Ah.. :Shocked: Sorry. :'( :Frown: Lol;; *pat your shoulder* I have a low piplup, you can have for free? To cheer you up buddy.
  21. Ah.. :Shocked: Sorry.
  22. ? You need help on evolving your pokemon in trade?
  23. Hm redownload the client?
  24. Hey Roniix c: Welcome to PRO! :Smile: P.S. How to put signature- go click the person icon >User Control Panel>Profile Tab>Signature~
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