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Everything posted by Divent

  1. Seems fair too me, would like that.
  2. Hey. Could cooldown on bug catching area be 22 hours instead of 24 hours? 24 Hours make it so when you late few minutes you have to start it later next day and over week that can change from lets say 10 am to 5 pm. It would not change that you still do bga only once a day and would make it that you can fix your schedule without missing that one day.
  3. Name: Divent Server: Red Hello! Got rather annyoing bug when in pvp ranked battle when I win it sometimes ends with system saying I lost and taking rating points. Here are the screens: 1. Before certain battle: 2. Won the battle (Looks close to me dying but had focus sash) 3. After the battle Also think it happend before too (today) but thought I just counted wrong.
  4. From Gouseru and 9oomy got 2x thief tm, 3x taunt tm, sableye, 34k
  5. Around 500 series :D Could not count how many mangas i read tho cuz thats just too much
  6. Happy Easter! Small event but I like it :)
  7. NPC Name: Divent Gender: Male Dialogue: I am trying to find perfect pokemon. Do not bother me! Dialogue after win if used as trainer battle: Go away... Proof: https://prntscr.com/euho4d https://prntscr.com/euhnwe
  8. Divent

    Forum ranks art

    Yes. Send everything in pm.
  9. Divent

    Forum ranks art

  10. sold :x
  11. min: 800k insta: 1mln
  12. Re: ▲BLAZE▲⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO⎪[uPDATED Guild Shiny Showcase] <t>1. Divent<br/> 2. Cloyster. I remember when I was a kid and played pokemon red on emulator I thought he looked cool, and damn he does.<br/> 3. Catch them all<br/> 4. 430<br/> 5. 24<br/> 6. Not rly, I have some pokes that I use to fight ppl for fun but they are nothing special and I dont rly know what am I doing.</t>
  13. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated* <t>1. Hi! I am player from Poland. Starting playing PRO I didn't expect to find game I will spend more than few hours.<br/> <br/> 2. 217 Hr 34 Min<br/> <br/> 3. Kanto, Johto, Hoenn<br/> <br/> 4.I just like catching cool looking rare pokes :) <br/> <br/> 5. I think it's most active guild in all chat when I spend most of my time, met good people from this guild and I hope to know them even better.<br/> <br/> 6. Yes.</t>
  14. Yes yes we understand that devs pc dont lag, even their pentiums II dont lag but some do. Its not that hard to add line of code here, line of code there and add option like this. But with your spaghetti code what do I know.
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