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About Arry

  • Birthday 05/07/1996

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Auction ends in 4 days. December 15. Good luck! insta: 5.5m c/o on Ducklett is 2.5m by Guz93
  2. Arry


    ok do you accept trades? Nope sorry.
  3. Arry


    c/o on Ducklett is 2.5m by Guz93
  4. Insta venasaur IGN: Arry
  5. Hello, I would love to buy a signature from you here is all the information you requested. You can add me on Yellow Server, my ign is Arry or on discord Losmaze. Thanks. POKE (1/2 Only) - Mawile and Inkay TEXT - arry STYLE - Style 3 OTHER INFOMATION - Would love if you could make the colors dark, and creepy, on one side and the complete opposite on the other side.
  6. Re: Calamity Guild (-{Origin+SuperKings Merged}-) (Yellow Server)Is recruiting! <t>How Many Hours? <br/> 292 Hours. <br/> <br/> Do You Have Discord? <br/> Yes.<br/> <br/> Are You Done Story? If Not How Far Are You In The Story?<br/> I'm not quite done yet but I have finished Kanto and Johto.<br/> <br/> Do You Have A PVP team? (Just Curious) <br/> Nope. I'm on the verge of making one, I have a ton of epic pokemons, but I want to only make the team I have in mind. =)<br/> <br/> Do You Have Time To Chat With Us In Game Or In Discord? <br/> Of course!<br/> <br/> Discord ID and Username? <br/> My discord ID is Losmaze, and my IGN is Arry.</t>
  7. Arry


    Sure. I'm on right now. Noted.
  8. Arry


    Re: "Shop" **UPDATE** INSTAS WILL BE ADDED TOMORROW <r><QUOTE author="aminnation" post_id="477607" time="1512819128" user_id="1691288"><s> </e></QUOTE> Only insta prices for now!<br/> <br/> <br/> Shop is now open.</r>
  9. Looking for these pokemons with the right nature and 25+ IVs. Paying very well. :Grin:
  10. Start jolteon
  11. Arry


    Sorry guys for not responding. Will be posting instas for everything plus adding a bunch more pokemons during this weekend.
  12. Re: WTS porygon2&porygon-z <t>600k ....</t>
  13. Re: WTS porygon2&porygon-z <t>550k pory z</t>
  14. Rules 1. Be polite. 2. Will only sell if I find the offer reasonable. 3. I can refuse to sell the Pokemon if I change my mind. 4. I accept only money and cc. Note: All prices are negotiable. insta: 6m insta: 900k insta: 2m5 insta: 3m insta: 1m2 insta: 1m7 insta: 3m5 insta: 1m5 insta: 750k insta: 1m8 insta: 1m5 insta: 1m insta: 2m5 insta: 1m5 SOLD insta: 850k insta: 2m insta: 750k insta: 650k insta: 1m insta: insta: 750k insta: 750k insta: 800k insta: 2m insta: 700k insta: 1m2 insta: 350k insta: 850k
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