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Pity last won the day on September 22 2021

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  1. When you guys make significant changes to an item, either add it as an alternative version of the said item or give us the chance to refund it. Not everyone will think the new look is better than the old one, and if the item was bought based on how it previously looked, and it suddenly changes significantly and to the viewpoint of the user it looks worse than before, it basically feels like a scam. Saving enough coins/money to buy item from PVP/PVE shop takes a while so it should only be natural to expect the items not get siginificantly changed afterwards. I bought prestige Mew mount because you could see your character's face when using it. Now the Mew become 3 times bigger and you can't see anything but your character's hair. Someone probably likes how it now looks, but for me it looks unusable now. There are probably others who feel same about their mounts/cosmetics too.
  2. I had same problem. First place with 229 point Joltik. Received Pve coins and pokedollars but next dialogue was "An unexped error has occured.... EDIT: Relogged and got my reward, Pve, Pokedollars & 6 focus sashes. Not sure if I received pve and pokedollars twice.
  3. Thanks for posting this suggestion, at least we now know the reason why there have been so many unfarmable event maps in the past 1-2 years. They could have made it worse by limiting it by daytime, so I'm glad they didn't do that.
  4. Like the idea, would be better to get the announcement after catching the pokemon though. Would avoid missclicks that may happen when closing pms incase you don't want to be anonymous. Incase we get multiple tiers announced would be good to have option to toggle common/uncommon ones and/or pink/event.
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