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Bonebuilder's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I defeated Lawrence IV then Zapdos, Moltres and appear in Lighting Island Frozen but I do not pick the lighting orb and go back to PC, how can I get it now. Please help me
  2. hi, i re started playing after an year of break and i switched from gold to silver. I noticed that some trainers especially the ones in route 24,25,6 don't try to battle me again .. even if if it's long time i battled them .. also if i try to talk to them they act like i allready battled them. So i'm unable to rebattle some trainers.. i guess my account is bugged. I started a new story in the gold server and the trainers in route 24-25 act like i allready battled them too.. even if i never battled them with that account
  3. Hi all, i need help since i made a post in the discipline appeals section, but since yesterday i didn't receive any answer.. am i being ignored or it just takes more time ?
  4. i see that u finally introduced a mask for cubone (is not a real helmet but ok..) what about the complete outfit??
  5. i see that u finally introduced a mask for cubone (is not a real helmet but ok..) what about the complete outfit??
  6. i buy floette 700k
  7. pm me with price if u can
  8. now it worked, thank you for help
  9. <COLOR color="#00FFFF"> the evolution does work i tried now that is morning, i lvl it up and nothing.. i dont know.. i guess thats something bugged with my happiny
  10. i buy insta the lucario Seller> HiimShawn
  11. submitted, hoping for it
  12. ok i will as soon as it's morning
  13. hi, my happiny has 255 happiness, it's holding an oval stone and i tried to evolve it during day (10-20) , i did fight a wild poke - it lvld up - i also tried to use a rarecandy , then fight another wild poke , but nothing
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