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Everything posted by Taufan

  1. Taufan

    Enter Sinnoh

    Hype !!!
  2. Can you please stop spamming my guide with your nonesense posts? its seems they already fixed this problem you cant catch any pokemon before you finish the quest, im just trying it now. btw nice guide
  3. the truth pinkan island still have bug, you dont need pay extrance fee or find electabuzz and scyther lvl 90, if you didnt defeat boss giovanni, you still got pink pokemon without finishing the quest, and of couse the result you cant fight jenni boss. but you can go to pink pokemon for all eternity or until they fix this bug :y:
  4. have fun and good luck with your real life daen, its been a while im not play this game and i just see you leave, so sad
  5. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (International Guild - Red Server) <r>[align=center]<B><s></s>1. What was your first impression when joined Chronos?<e></e></B><br/> <br/> its almost 1 year i have been here and so much changes, from local guild become international guild<br/> and then our chat guild in game from active be inactive, of course cause we are using discord now,<br/> im still remember when the first time this guild has been build you must pay TAX if you want join the guild,<br/> "if you want to join you must pay or just die"<br/> love that time when our leader is being so noob even until now <E>:devil:</E> <br/> <br/> <B><s></s><br/> 2. How do you feel after joining Chronos up to today?<e></e></B><br/> <br/> friendly guild, everyone gathering in discord<br/> i didnt have much time in discord because being lazy,<br/> but they are welcome for everyone <br/> <br/> <B><s></s>3. Do you have any birthday wishes for Chronos? If yes, what is that?<e></e></B><br/> <br/> happy birthday Chronos,<br/> Be the best guild[/align]</r>
  6. https://prntscr.com/bkcljo rogenrola min req point 1800
  7. just found them too around 6:30am game time. could be time related? maybe cause when i try in the morning i got 0 dweblee and 2 nosepass add another fled poke xD https://prntscr.com/bkbzyr
  8. found noseepass https://prntscr.com/bkbvrv and another beldum fled https://prntscr.com/bkbx3w
  9. if he said morning like that, on the day it should be, houndor, torkoal(new), noibat
  10. yeah i found munchlax too, but fled lunatone in haunted sites
  11. i want to participated
  12. from 1200++ point you can available to catch throh, sawk, and noibat, rogen still fled.... i will give you ss troh from hoenn, since it cant be catch on the wild, https://prntscr.com/bj001z and shiny rock like u said dont have anything special since it still give the same item/pokemon like the other, it just give you extra point to sites
  13. Thanks, Shiny Pinsir Already sold for 3m by 2ez4nds and no one bo on forum so sad
  14. im looking for offer on shiny Pinsir start BO : 1,5m pm me ingame or here if you are interest on it
  15. can i join in this event ???
  16. Re: CHRONOS [international Guild] Recruiting! <r><QUOTE author="SilverCrow7"><s> </e></QUOTE> thank you for applying, cmon join our discord, check your pm.<br/> better if we know each other</r>
  17. let me in for the last participated GMT +7
  18. im sure focus punch not bugged, its just not coded yet but no idea about explosion maybe i need to test that 1
  19. even without sand stream or not it give the same dmg not different, its just your imagination make it to much different, dont just thinking your hippowdon can handle anything
  20. barney has explained about it, my excadrill hold soft sand thats give me more dmg when using ground type
  21. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse [added a lot of pokes!!] <r><QUOTE author="Geeraph"><s> </e></QUOTE> hmmm i need a little higher<br/> how about 80k ?<br/> if you want,<br/> you can add me in game thx</r>
  22. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse <r>Leavanny SOLD OUT<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/zDD26WS.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <QUOTE author="bonbon"><s> </e></QUOTE> need more higher</r>
  23. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse <r><QUOTE author="jamirakway"><s> </e></QUOTE> please wait the owners to reply yaa <E>:Grin:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> okey<e> </e></QUOTE> if you want take the pokemon you can pm me ingame</r>
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