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Everything posted by Skarro

  1. 1. Age 16+ and above :- ~Yes 2. Playtime hours at 100 or more :- ~Yes 3. Able to use Discord , Most Important :- https://discord.gg/RhbyGv7 ~Yes 4. Your previous Guild, why did you leave them (in case you were Kicked, then why?) : ~Magma (Left a couple years ago because I quit PRO, pretty sure it's a dead guild now.) 5. Have you ever been banned in PRO, and why? :- ~No. 6. Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? :- ~Number one goal = obtain Shiny hunting Smeargle I mostly like to hunt for good pokemon, 7 OT shiny so far. I'm woefully ignorant of PVP in this game, but I'll learn how eventually. Currently working my way though Sinnoh and getting back into the game after being gone a few years. 7. How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak? ~33 (Yes, I am old) English 8. Provide a screenshot of your Trainer Card. :-
  2. Are you guys still taking members?
  3. 1.2 for marowak >u<
  4. [bbvideo=560,315]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaobIEBPr_M[/bbvideo] You guys might dig this short vid.
  5. Re: (NEW) Shiny Dratini Auction! <t>9m<br/> <br/> o3o</t>
  6. As the title says, looking for a shiny Heracross to use as a utility pokemon. Willing to pay absurdly high! Gib, gib gibs.
  7. :devil: I'm in! :devil:
  8. This maze is impossible. I give up on this event.
  9. Any one make a map of Mt Summer yet?
  10. OMG, really? I am such a derp stick sometimes O///O Thank you very much for the help kind sir.
  11. My party was full when I got the spearow for the mail quest in jhoto, but he didn't have any mail. I checked all the pockets in the bag, but no mail there either. Can someone reset this quest for me? x.x thank you in advance.
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