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Everything posted by Aymanex15

  1. Starting = 10m insta = 15m I accept other tier 9 for trade .
  2. If u accept trades , I am gonna overpay xd
  3. +1 , listen to revo plz <3
  4. npc name : Aymanex15 text : I am gonna find you and I am gonna buy all your shinies . text : gourgiest .
  5. ok u join pandas u become a gorilla , it's up to you .
  6. Re: Shiny SKARMORY :3 <t>contact me ingame ^,^</t>
  7. Re: First Shiny Heliolisk (Insta: 35m) <t>10,2m</t>
  8. Re: Shiny Heliolisk <t>I start ^,^</t>
  9. Re: C O C K T A I L B A R {Red server} <t>xApoman4ever cocktails are baes <3<3 good luck guys .</t>
  10. wlecome everyone
  11. I will offer a shiny krookodile for it .
  12. No nature / ability / ivs resets , well u won't need them really cause the grind here is less hard than in Pokemon Planet Online , cause there is repel trick and black ms too ( +20% chance to get the hidden ability on the encountered pokemon , good luck hunting and have fun .
  13. Done on purpose , i don't think staff can miss something like that .
  14. make sure u logged into the right server , cause I don't think u can lose a such progress even when roll backs occur.
  15. Re: WTS Shiny Florges <t>soon xd</t>
  16. [glow=red] ~IGN : Aymanex15 ~Answer 1 : Mesprit ~Answer 2 : You will experience loss of knowledge, will and emotions.And you will grow immobile entirety.[/glow]
  17. Re: ☯ ᏢᎪᏁᎠᎪs ᎶuᎥᏞᎠ ☯| {RED SERVER} <r><QUOTE author="ayushk20" post_id="440677" time="1505063247" user_id="1264834"><s> </e></QUOTE><QUOTE author="Yuri1234565" post_id="440666" time="1505062266" user_id="108474"><s> </e></QUOTE> Check your pms guys and welcome.</r>
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