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Everything posted by BllacKMasK

  1. 2.4
  2. 2m
  3. I would say no...If you want to ban all the good pokes then whats the point of playing this game? Instead of making excuses jus think of a way to counter BB greninja..ther are lots of good pokes to counter it...!! Ban ban ban thats all that guys like u has to say...when u r scared of loosing in pvp...this is jus a game and if u want to play it ....play it fair...baning BB greninja is like using a cheat code to make the game easier...
  4. 1.05m
  5. This is a very bad idea.....i say no... Pokes which are traded should also be able to mega evolve.
  6. WTB Epic max speed jolly HA Garchomp pay well. IGN : Bojack My discord : Bojack[steven Stone]#8321
  7. Username : BojacK Server : Silver Country / time zone : India / GMT+5:30
  8. Selling Great/epic Relaxed Bullet Proof Kommo-o evs trained. Starting offer : 3M Insta : 5M Auction : Auction will start after the first offer is made and will last for 24 hrs. note : Gold Server can also bid
  9. WTB epic ada poison touch alolan muk, Epic guts conkeldurr pay aloooottt......
      • 1
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  10. bump
  11. yes meet me in game
  12. ok ty...u have bo
  13. can be closed
  14. Sorry the poke got sold in game as i din get any offers i sold it cheap
  15. Sold in game pls close
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