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Everything posted by Jahus

  1. It is. The game would be more attractive, battle playbacks will be better to watch (and hence attract more people to the game) and overall, animations would make battles more "alive", and I personally would love it. But as everyone is saying, there are some mechanisms that need to be added (Speed Boost, Magic Guard, Liquid Ooze, Cursed Body, etc.)*, moves (like Bide), evolutions, PC/Storage revamp (even the Bag sorting system needs revision -- Just look how TMs are hard to find in it), etc. Even more animations are lacking.
  2. The reason why bot is for champions is the same reason why Teleport Pokémons work only for champions. And it's the same reason why there are trainers in routes from a town to another. And the same reason why you have to complete some quests before battling some gym leaders. And the reason is: To get your team to the correct suitable level! You can notice this by checking trainers levels, gym trainers levels, distance between towns, etc. For example, trainers between Fuchsia and Cinnabar, and Pallet Town seem to be low-level compared to the Cinnabar gym trainers. This is because those regions is accessible even before your 5th badge at Fuchsia. It's the same way for route 22, which leads to Victory Road but is still accessible to rookie players. tl;dr: Boat doesn't work in order to help you level up your Pokémons.
  3. R'amen. I'm completely in for a surrender / forfait button (Run button is already there, just make it ask if we really want to forfait). Some people can troll with stall, and since PRO PvP = Stall PvP, this happens a lot of time. I personally don't play a stall team because I don't get any satisfaction from it, but I can understand people willing to get as many PvP points as possible and climb the ladder easily. However, some people may troll by just spamming some move while you have one Pokémon left, raise their bulk and finish you whenever they want... if you don't disconnect and accept the 45 minutes ban.
  4. Good idea. People don't always have a recording software, and recorded battles can be pretty small files if intended to be played in PRO only. Look at how Showdown battles are saved in tiny 30 kB files!
  5. I like this idea, but either mount can be traded (the price of 500k would make sense, and will cause the price of these "custom" mounts to be far higher than Coin Shop mounts and hence save them from getting useless) or not tradable (and in this case, happiness would be important, maybe the Pokémon needs to be OT, price then can be 100 k$ or something, and players can only craft one mount of a kind, and these will be absent from Coin Shop). However, I would be glad to see this implemented.
  6. I like the idea of #2, but only with this: Or maybe do a level reset to 5, like in the anime (and keep EVs, else, it would be hell). You know... Like Ash's Pikachu is getting lowered to lv. 2 each season!
  7. Okay, in this context, it makes sense (I thought the point was awarded when we disconnect). But still, it's really hard to get banned for 45 minutes just because we've got a connection instability, or just accumulated lag. Hope devs will come someday with a better way to avoid it. Saying "Surrender" is harder than saying "Forfeit" :Crazy:
  8. What is an epic Pokémon? One with good nature + more than 25 IVs in important stats + 20 minimum in others? How does everyone define an epic?
  9. But actually, when you disconnect, the other gets the win and the PvP point, isn't it the case?
  10. With a server that lags and a connection that lags, doing PvP in PRO is just mind blowing! Pesonnally, didn't play ranked PvP since a month. Today, I thought it would be pleasing, entertaining... but first match, disconnected, banned for 45 minutes. What's the logic? We already "lose" when we disconnect, and the other wins! And please, let's ask for a FORFAIT option! I don't want to lose my time battling someone who's trolling with its stall team when I've already lost.
  11. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated RAVINE] <r><QUOTE author="Moltisanti"><s> </e></QUOTE> I know what you feel. Bruno gave me Focus Sash (1 of them) yesterday. Tss...</r>
  12. Re: Jahus' Stock [update 2016-11-02] <t>Updated shop with new Pokémon.<br/> <br/> Please, if someone can help me pricecheck some of them, or re-evaluate some of the current prices, it would help me a lot.<br/> <br/> Thank you.</t>
  13. Can we consider a "forfait" button, both for ranked and unranked PvP?
  14. If you have downloaded the game from the official sources (i.e. from here), you have nothing to fear. If your Antivirus software states it's a virus, then either you have go a virus on your computer (hence your AV software needs to be replaced) or your AV software is wrong (hence you need to replace your antivirus software). That is all.
  15. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated RAVINE] <t>We may stop talking about Ravine now xD Every notification I get from this post is about her "old" team.</t>
  16. Are you sure Ditto can do this? Ditto keeps its IVs and stats when transforming, as far as I know.
  17. Yeah, I have already thought of this. It's a good point and you convinced me; and I'm agreeing with every point you raised. Thanks, dude. Hope this game finds a way to balance this tension we feel in the economy.
  18. I know this fact; what I meant is that prof. isn't meant to catch them in the wild, but get them from daycare / eggcare (see the anime). This can be a pretext to change the mechanism that generates them for new players (and maybe for boss rewards). All of you guys have raised good points on the economy. I'm not weaning about the Membership price only; in fact, this doesn't affect me at all, because I would never buy Membership with in-game currency (but that is only my case). It's just that the inflation is huge, and easily noticeable. And this generates a noticeable grind as well. People are trying to sell trash at high price; they eventually know that it's trash, but they are flooding the market with it, and inexperienced players do buy that trash. And finally, almost no one talked about the spawning system change I suggested. Just think that way: less 1-10 IVs, more 10-20 IVs, same rate as now for 20-30 IVs. And 75% correct nature when using Synchronize. That won't be a radical change to the game ecosystem, but will shift the average quality of Pokemons, and even the average quality of PvP battles. That can ease a bit the story walkthrough. And all for all, compensate the lack of breeding system in PRO. Finally, it will legitimate the actual Pokemon prices. I just think that less grid will make people play better, and feel more satisfied of their playtime. I would never say such a thing xD After reading your post, Lunesta, I understand again that PRO is made to last and represent a challenge to the player. But if the game isn't satisfying to the player, I think it loses some of its interest, the same way that it loses interest if it's too easy. I personally felt this from PRO these last days, not that I don't play well but that I sometimes spend two entire days looking for something with no result. May you pardon me if I project my frustration on you all. And thank you everyone, for taking time to read and debate my suggestions.
  19. I know what supply and demand is; and it's why I said "regulate the price" and not "fix it". Regulating, in this case, means keep an eye on people who tend to set the price too high, and regulation is part of any real life economy. In most of the countries, if you start over pricing, you get in trouble.
  20. I suggest that some random aspects of the game get changed. 1. Starters We keep starters all our journey, some would like to keep them forever, because we're attached to them, but once we learn about nature and stats, most of us are deceived. For this reason, instead of getting a totally random Pokemon when we choose a starter, we can get it of "good" nature (I don't say correct nature because Pokemons can be played in different ways, but the generator can pick among some natures -- if not, consider making them neutral nature) and acceptable Individual values (IV); here again, I don't ask for perfect 6x31, but considering starters aren't caught in the wild (cf. anime) but are result of breeding, they might be better (a higher probability to get IV close to 20, a lower probability to get IV close to 1). 2. Wild Pokemons Because we can't seriously "live" and farm for a good Pokemon (> 20 IV); which may take 2 or 3 days, considering we might never get any satisfying specimen, and because there's no breeding to raise the overall quality of the Pokemons we get, I suggest the same IV generation system as for starters (cf. 1st suggestion); in other words: make good IV (> 15) more likely to appear, and bad IVs (< 10) super rare. Why not? Would it break the economy? Really? I don't think so. We will just spend less time hunting, and more time playing. Because 2 days of my life aren't only worth 5$, and even if – for some reasons that bring us down and make us spend so much time in a virtual universe –, we can start valuing our time a bit more. 3. Synchronize and wild pokemons And to complete the IV amelioration for wild encounters, I suggest that Synchronize success get raised to 75% instead of staying at the actual value of 50%. Rare Pokemons are rare enough, why adding an additional hardness layer and make sync fail 50% of the time? Just imagine youself spending 4 hours farming for Bagon at Meteor Falls. You might get 4 bagons, or 5 only; maybe less (I know rates are kept secret but we aren't totally dumb and we can do our own stats). Among those 4 bagons, 2 will might get the correct nature, and the actual mean for the IVs is 15... that means you might have spend 4 hours farming (and not doing anything else valuable for your life) for trash. But yeah... people start selling trash for 500 k$ on Red server... 4. Send a mod to trade chat to regulate Membership price; because actually, I considering selling Membership medallion for 650 k$ is a scam (i.e. a week of your life playing this game for 4 hours a day minimum, gathering money, i.e. a minimum of 2 weeks daytime work for 5 IRL dollars)... be it sold to a noob or an ancient player, it's scam, and a devaluation of our lifetime. These are just ideas. Being realized or not isn't a deal breaker, but it would free up some of our time, and let us play more. Because yeah, it JUST A GAME. Tired of the greed.
  21. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated RAVINE] <r><QUOTE author="Mushrambo"><s> </e></QUOTE> Actually, it has 0 mega evolved pokemons.</r>
  22. Re: Jahus' Stock [update 2016-11-02] <r><QUOTE author="Theraptor0G7"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thank you for the trade.<br/> <br/> <ANCHOR anchor="proof1" content="Proof"><s>[anchor=proof1]</s>Proof<e>[/anchor]</e></ANCHOR>: <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER></r>
  23. Congrats, dude. Glad to see you got your pokemons back.
  24. True that the in-game chat needs more moderation, maybe recruiting more moderators (with less power if necessary) can help.
  25. Re: Jahus' Stock [update 2016-10-26] <r><QUOTE author="Theraptor0G7"><s> </e></QUOTE> That one is sold (I marked it), I can sell you the other (ATK 25 / SPD 26) with both moves for 65 k.<br/> <br/> P.-s. Are you French?</r>
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