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Everything posted by Monhuntress

  1. im In violet (just started in gold) and my kanto pokes aren't showing as locked ( altho I didn't try to access them) makes it hard to pick pokes and make sure they are johto pokes lol also I removed leftovers from my sandshrew and went to put it on another poke and now its not anywhere in the bag to be found :( the bleow pic shows all kanto pokes not locked in pc
  2. yes, just register with a new email and name, you can have 4 accounts (different emails) have fun and good luck
  3. In-Game Name: Monhuntress Discord Tag: Monhuntress#4294 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? Often What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? React to all postings, permanent memes channel. monthly contests. Great Team of dmods and staff, thanks for all you do !!!
  4. this was posted in discord announcements Bugged Max Revives can now be traded for Revival Herb at Celadon Department Store 1F.
  5. yes its a known issue, scripters are working on it...
  6. poor zigzagoon is missing a leg :( if an artist can fix this please and thanks <https://i.imgur.com/4DVGkfM.jpg>
  7. I purchased the 30 day with coins that I had and activated it. I still have the 3 day ms in my bag. Thanks for the reply and help.
  8. ya thats my point it was activated on Nov 22nd its not been 30 days
  9. i have for a couple of days now...and still not showing in game as active
  10. [ATTACH=full]56527[/ATTACH]
  11. DIG - TM28 • FREE Cerulean House 6 • Celadon Mart - $3,500 • Route 36 Smuggler - $5,000 • Lilycove Mart - $4,000 • Dig Spot Route 114
  12. I think players would love colored backpacks as a new cosmetic item, especially if there was a purple one... hint hint :)
  13. are you doing the heatran quest? u will get them back when done
  14. Please try to follow this guide: https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/f...s/pro-black-screen-failed-to-load-mono.87155/
  15. Please follow this guide: https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/f...s/pro-black-screen-failed-to-load-mono.87155/
  16. try this : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86857-url
  17. follow this : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86857-url
  18. some still have issues...so if still having a problem in the steps above after controlled folder (on) go below to the excluded and add PRO then proceed to deleted the folder with the files and then extract and it should now work
  19. this works also just abit differently settings > windows defender >open security center >virus >protection settings>controlled folder (on) >protected folder choose the PRO64 or PRO32 (delete old files and then re extract and it should work)
  20. try deleting all pro files and empty temp files also...try running PRO32 bit good luck !
  21. get stuck surfing at route 49 > 41 it removes the surf mount and have to apply the mount again so you can move again or you get stuck in the portal seems to be with both the reg surf mount or my mount (dragonair surf mount) tried recreating it afew times and happens everytime....
  22. I think its a great idea...would love to see it come into play :)
  23. What is your Discord tag? Monhuntress#4294 How often do you use Discord? Pretty much every day. Even if i dont chat i check out to see whats new... If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? More members, to help share the love of the game !
  24. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>name Monhuntress<br/> location Canada<br/> hours over 500<br/> Looking to learn and help when I can, and build a pvp team, once I have finished hoenn.</t>
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