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Everything posted by Hayoungie

  1. Can we trade at this hour sir?
  2. 1.4m
  3. 1.2m
  4. 1m
  5. 700k
  6. Start
  7. You are welcome
  8. what hp sir? start
  9. sir can i go with naughty charmander for 120k?
  10. Already got the mudkip, just a space left for scyther or scizor
  11. You can offer me in game or this thread, thanks
  12. Okay i’m at work now probably 10hrs from now i can logging in
  13. lol sorry my bad doesnt realize it is P.M not A.M 710k for shellder then
  14. Isn’t it ended already sir? 48hrs since monday? Cmiiw sry
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