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Everything posted by Riceball99

  1. i want to buy many coins (in red server) i have all this for trade! -> https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=164&t=56917
  2. i am searching for red server stuff prive message me if u got something
  3. Re: Epic Pokes, Coin Items and MS Trade Only For Red Server UPDATED 12/29 <t>BUMP LEAVE MSG IN FORUM</t>
  4. Re: Epic Pokes, Coin Items and MS Trade Only For Red Server UPDATED 12/29 <t>Up, will be quite inactive on normal days except weekends.</t>
  5. Re: Epic Pokes, Coin Items and MS Trade Only For Red Server UPDATED 12/29 <t>Updated 12/29</t>
  6. Re: Epic Pokes, Coin Items and MS Trade Only For Red Server UPDATED 12/24 <t>Anyone that wants anything from my shop, you should try to contact me on forums through pm if possible and show me what you got on RED. Thank you.</t>
  7. Re: Epic Pokes, Coin Items and MS Trade Only For Red Server UPDATED 12/24 <r><QUOTE author="9Richhhhhhhhh"><s> </e></QUOTE> Alright, but pm me on forums if possible. <QUOTE author="Boyka"><s> </e></QUOTE> Unless you got some nice stuff from red, it'll be hard to get bliss buddy.</r>
  8. Re: Epic Pokes, Coin Items and MS Trade Only For Red Server UPDATED 12/24 <r><QUOTE author="JustLegend"><s> </e></QUOTE> Yellow or red? I know you're on both servers. And sorry for the late reply, people usually pm me, forgot to check shop comments.</r>
  9. Re: Epic Pokes, Coin Items and MS Trade Only For Red Server UPDATED 12/22 <t>UPDATED SOLD POKES</t>
  10. Re: Epic Pokes, Coin Items and MS Trade Only For Red Server UPDATED 12/22 <t>Updated</t>
  11. I think you also need a certain amount of hours
  12. [glow=red]BUDGET:[/glow] I got 20mil here to trade for [glow=red]RED[/glow] cash, pokes, MS, and shinies. Also, if all my pokes don't get sold, I might sell for yellow money and try to trade for [glow=red]RED[/glow] but as for right now, I don't want anything from YELLOW. [glow=red]Coin Items[/glow] 7 Membership SOLD OUT S Absol Mount S Fearow Mount S Umbreon Mount SOLD S Aero Mount S Arcanine Mount S Magikarp Mount S Milotic Mount and Bunch of clothe items [glow=red]Epics Ready for PvP[/glow] SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD [glow=red]Decent and Epic H.A Pokes[/glow] SOLD [glow=red]Epics EV Trained[/glow] SOLD [glow=red]Epics Untrained[/glow] SOLD [glow=red]Shinies[/glow]
  13. ohh that's hard now, because making the gif requires me to merge the background.. But how about something like this? /edit oops failed the png, let me fix that /edit 2 fixed WOahhhhhhhhhhhhh yesss much better, now everything really mix in well and look good together. thanks a lot. I will probably come back for more signatures from you in the future haha :Grin:
  14. Hee! Sorry it took so long.. how about something like this? oooo it looks really nice, is it possible to have the dark background brighter? I wanna compare to see if it would be better that because I really like the background pic a lot.
  15. start on machamp
  16. I mean it's almost like fake bidding if you bid and then regret and wanting to leave if you think about it, it's complicated for sure.
  17. Sandrush Drilbur/Excadrill - 25+ speed, 25+ attack jolly or adamant Timid Togekiss - 31 speed, decent ivs Jolly Breloom - 25+ speed and 20+ attack - Technician Decent Quiet/Modest Larvitar/Tyranitar Budget: Can pay up to 3m+ for each Post here or private message me
  18. Re: fletchling <t>please fix image</t>
  19. Get a gothitelle
  20. I'm quite sure that staff has said many times that servers can't be merged also
  21. Re: THE MINI AMAZING RACE <t>dang this event sounds hella fun</t>
  22. Not sure if this was suggested already but can we actually wear glasses and hats at the same time? it's kinda of weird that we can only wear one at a time and glasses and hats are count as the same thing. Also wings would be awesome too.
  23. Re: Fippsie's (yellow) little sig shop :3 <r><QUOTE author="Fippsie"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey, how about this? :3<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://abload.de/img/charizardfksn5.gif"><s></e></IMG><e> </e></QUOTE> Woah it looks really awesome, I would like another one for infernape if possible. Let me know what time you are usually on so I can go on and pay you :P</r>
  24. Re: RUKitten<Guild Shop> *Updated* Dec/4th <t>I'll start on the bold swift swim Poli</t>
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