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Posts posted by Reikou

  1. 292416 So since its outside USA I bought a 25 dollar gift card to use to buy points. Its declied because its and outside country. Please make a new system of buying points and more than $5 at a time, please....


    My $25 givecard wont let me pay outside the US, Please help.


    Payment options are covered in Read this before making a suggestion

    "Alternative payment

    Alternate payment methods have been suggested in the past several times before. We understand that it may be inconvenient to donate via Paypal in certain countries, but this will ultimately depend on our developer Shane's discretion, as there are limitations on his ability to accept donations from other payment methods. Apologies for any inconveniences in the meantime."


  2. 292707 Can someone please show me a way? cause my account has been hacked while i was facing with elite 4 in hoenn and all my pokemons are gone incl in pokecenter i dont know what to do please help :Shocked:


    What do you see when you log in ?

    are you in the same place but without any of your pokemon?

    or back at the begining ?

  3. 291178 But for example, sleep powder of butterfrees have 75 porcent, more 30 porcent it is 96/100 of precision, but it fail much the sleep powder


    It will still have a chance to miss depending if your opponent has used an evasion move, it will also say missed if it did, if it says failed then the pokemon you're trying to use it on is immune to it, either due to it's ability or if it's a grass type

  4. 291276 Hi !


    There is some items that haven't been introduced in any guide, And i really do not know what are the wild Pokemons that can hold these items, So please help me and tell me what are the wild Pokemons that can hold these items, these items are:


    1) Miracle Seed.

    2) Light Clay.

    3) Magnet.

    4) Never Melt Ice.

    5) Silk Scarf.

    6) Macho Brace.

    7) Nugget.

    8) Big Nugget.



    All of these are listed in this item guide, it may be slightly out of date but the player comments point out where :Grin:

  5. 291282 Hello administration and moderation of the game.

    I wonder how do I resolve the following error walking giving in my Pokemon.

    The game crashed.

    The crash report folder named "2016-10-19_231544" next to executable game.

    It would be great if you'd send it to the developer of the game!

    This error is happening already have 3 days, I would like to know how to solve it.

    Looking forward you the answer.


    Check the read this before making a general support topic thread, there's common crash fixes listed in there which should hopefully help :)

  6. 291221 Hey guys,a recently new player here. So I ran into a problem where the game just randomly freezes and nothing except the mouse is moving. I can alt+tab normally and the only solution is to re-launch the game. I tried running in compatibility mode and some other fixes mentioned in that main thread , but no luck. Hope somebody has anything helpful :Shy:


    Check read this before making a general support topic, there's common crash fixes listed in there which should help :)

  7. 291808 I have recently fought the Fuchsia City gym, I beat the gym and I never received the badge. I have tried fighting the gym again but it says that i have beaten it, and I can't continue the story without the badge.


    -User Name is UnderCoverTiger

    -Please Help


    Have you tried relogging, or closing game entirely and reopening ?

  8. 291300


    Have you got it working properly now ?


    Still not working, but I can access the main page of PRO forum .. just the main page.

    I think the problem is my internet connection because when I connect my home WIFI with other devices, there is the same problem.



    Try restarting your router

    It could also be a firewall issue or your ISP blocking it

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