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Posts posted by Reikou

  1. 298648 -snip-


    Arena trap is listed on the PvP Rules and Revamp of Bugged Moves / Abilities/ Items not to be Used in PvP thread


    Under "Not Yet Coded Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Not Bannable"

    "This category is for move/ability/item that has not been coded or implemented in game but do not

    affect player loss and also not having a significant impact in PVP."


    You can check any moves in future there to see if they're working correctly or not :)


  2. 290536 -snip-

    295700 -snip-


    This is covered in read this before making a general support topic

    "Unfortunately, this is a server-side glitch that can happen from time to time. Whenever this occurs, you have to wait until the next server reboot to play again.We have daily reboot also. Sorry for the inconvenience.


    In the rare case, this issues cause by your low connection when you play game and got disconnect, and can potential solved by close completely client and open again. If not solved, you will need wait to reboot."


    You can still play on the other 2 servers until your server has been rebooted


  3. 297126 i need to serch someone name :Frown: but how :Question: pls hlp me


    This has been explained to you in game already and please keep Player Introduction and Partings for introducing yourself to the community rather than tracking people down


  4. 296887 -snip-



    They never worked and we never said they do.

    Yes they are still on your account/obtainable in the future once they are fully coded. There is literally no loss for you except you bought it from other players. But as said, we never promoted them to be working, nor players should. In case someone told you they work and sold you a megastone, feel free to report the issue with screenshots that are evidence beyond any doubt.


    As stated, they've not been removed from accounts already in possession of them, just made non-accessible as they can cause confusion or sold misleadingly, so no one has lost anything

    Since it's cleared up

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