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Posts posted by Reikou

  1. 307712 It's okay thanks, I had to wait for it then no way, but really that kind of inconvenience thus generate great loss for those people who are really hooked with this great game that is one of the best


    JollylNathan has answered the question and there's currently nothing else we can do, so I'll lock this thread


    If you check the read this before making a general support topic thread in future you may be able to find an answer faster than waiting for a reply :)


  2. 306353-snip-


    Just to clarify Shane did return when he said he would and is actively working on PRO.

    There's been an issue connecting to the forums from Australia and so he's not been able to return here as of yet, but PRO hasn't been abandoned, as mentioned in this announcement we're currently understaffed so things will be delayed as the remaining staff make plans for progression



  3. 305076 -snip-


    At the moment there's not as many of us left, things will take extra time

    Being rude to each other is only going to take time from anything else we're trying to sort out.

    We are aware of the things that need to be done and they're getting done, just slower than usual, so bear with us and please be patient


    I'll be locking the thread since it's turning spiteful


  4. 305343 i post there but no one even looks lol


    Due to the nature of donation issues only certain staff can deal with them and currently there's lower level of staff that can

    So unfortunately at the moment they will take a bit longer than usual, though they are taken seriously and will be dealt with asap

    Sorry for the inconvenience


  5. 305477 Hi me again! ive been seeying a lot of people having gifs as their avatar, which makes me want to have the same hing, now ive ben searching on the forums for a idea on how to add them from URLs but it wont work, any type of help would be highly appriciated! :Heart:


    Do the same as an image, click the man icon (top right) - user control panel - profile - edit avatar

    your GIF needs to be maximum width: 170 pixels, height: 240 pixels,

    upload it to imgur, then click the view the image in a new tab, the address bar should show https://i.imgur.com type address instead of https://imgur.com (the extra i)


    Put that link into the remote avatar option and it should work

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