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Posts posted by Reikou

  1. 322025 The Repels don't work for me. I bought 27 Repels and are using them to get through Mt. Moon(Currently only have a lvl 5 Charmander) and I still get Wild encounters. Anyone else Repels not working?


    Repels only work on wild pokemon lower levelled than your leading pokemon

    So with your Charmander you're only repelling anything lower than level 5


  2. 322014 -snip-


    Nothing can be done to lower levels, always reach final evolution before 100, rare candy the last few levels rather than risk getting stuck, it's covered in the read this before making a general support topic

    183190 Pokemon cannot evolve at level 100/Pokemon evolved by mistake


    Unfortunately, staff cannot unevolve pokemon, so any evolution is final. You will need to check and make sure every requirement for evolution is met before reaching level 100. It's recommended to evolve pokemon around level 97-98 to avoid any unexpected issues



  3. 317579 Just check my video or go login ingame and try to talk to someone who is farming in Flake wood. If u don't understand why I'm complaining after that, i don't understand.


    As explained numerous times, there are a LOT of reports on a daily basis, it takes time to go through them all, bots are constantly being dealt with anyway, it's just not as simple as banning everyone suspected, plus they make new accounts constantly, you're by far missing the bigger picture.

    317578And I never said that staff doing nothing, I said that staff doing nothing for ban botter !

    If there is only two Gm who can currently ban a botter its a probleme. When I talk to 10 player and only 1 answer its a probleme. And only Botter player can says the contrary.


    Bear in mind that not every legitimate player will respond to random people PM'ing them ingame either


    Constructive reports are always appreciated, constant badgering and attitude about them isn't

  4. 314119 -snip-


    It's mentioned in the Read this before making a suggestion thread

    Using NPCs to trade-evolve, instead of trade-evolving with other players


    Denied. Trade-evolving is a good reason to meet with other people, make friends, and join a guild. It adds to the MMO dimension and should stay as it currently is. If you're concerned about being scammed by the other user, make sure to take a screenshot of the trade-evolution agreement and trade window, and report the user if they do steal your Pokemon. If you don't feel you can trust any other users, you can find a staff member and ask them to help you with your trade-evolution instead - staff members will be glad to assist.



    My advice for any trade is to

    Double check the confirmation page of the trade, rule out the pokemon being switched

    SS the conversation between players so there's evidence of them agreeing to return the pokemon

    use the /happy 1-6 command beforehand and make a note of your pokemons ID number


    Following that, if anything should happen you would have a strong case to report the player and a higher potential for recovery

    316673Oh :D:

    Well can someone please lock this because this has no point then xD


  5. 317551 i already reported this bugged but i will share this to all.

    i was doing pvp and i noticed shell bell is bugged or the move detect? idk.

    i used detect move to blocked an attack, my pokemon ddnt receive any damage but the opponent's poke holding a shell bell still gained/healed hp.

    you maybe think that it is just a small bugged but imagine a poke with dragon dance buff, belly drum etc. holding a shell bell. GG


    i hope this bugged will fix as soon as possible.


    The move Detect is listed on the PvP Rules and Revamp of Bugged Moves / Abilities/ Items not to be Used in PvP thread under "Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Not Bannable",

    You can check any moves there to see if they're working correctly or not


    You can keep your eyes on Downloads & Update Logs to see when it's been coded


  6. 315687 -Snip-


    Can you stay connected to Blue and Red ?

    I'm assuming you can connect to Yellow, but get DC after a while, which if no one else is being kicked you should try the fixes listed on the read this before making a general support topic thread.


    If the server disconnects without a warning, it means there's been a crash and since they're unexpected there's no way of warning players, if the server is taken offline by staff there will be a warning, the server will stop more people logging in and a countdown will warn you at intervals until it's closed for maintenance

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