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Posts posted by Reikou

  1. 344149 Dear Admins and Devs,


    I figured that since you guys could have paypal payments and unfortunately not all people has that i was suggesting if we could add in a mobile payment instead which could bill our carriers. You could slowly expand the carriers and make it worldwide. Nevertheless, still a suggestion that i think is worth considering. Cheers. :Smile:


    Alternative payments are covered in the Read this before making a suggestion thread

    209177 "Alternative payment

    Alternate payment methods have been suggested in the past several times before. We understand that it may be inconvenient to donate via Paypal in certain countries, but this will ultimately depend on our developer Shane's discretion, as there are limitations on his ability to accept donations from other payment methods. Apologies for any inconveniences in the meantime."


  2. 342588 -snip-



    There is this thread for reporting typos and such, (I just unlocked it since it autolocked from lack of use) but you can feel free to report any of them on there.


    The different NPC will speak in different manners due to the people who wrote the speech for each one, as Higana said most people know who's wrote the convoluted ones and we know they're there but that's part of PRO, different staff will have a different personal mark on the game, staff themselves do go through and check spelling and bugs too but there's plenty that's easily missed, the fact there's typos months old after hundreds/thousands of individuals have spoken to the NPC

  3. 341991 The falling leaves move when the character move, and I don't know if it's supposed to be like this but it looks very unnatural. They should be static with the rest of the stage, not moving when you move. Just a suggestion :Grin:


    We noticed this a few days ago too, it's being looked into to try and correct it and hopefully soon since it's quite strange to see them behave like that :Crazy:

  4. 339578 -snip-


    Not all pokemons movesets are yet up to date, the following is from the General supports read before, but it relevant to your suggestion:


    Pokemon cannot learn move which should learn by level up

    Some moveset of pokemon hasn't been updated yet, please be patient until it can be added. Unfortunately we can't give you an ETA on when new things will be coded in or updated within the game. Please keep an eye on the update logs, as that's where you'll find news about features that have been recently coded into the game.


  5. 340389 why no reward was given ash me I have finished my quest. . . bug .. perhaps make GM the right way because I like his hat. :Frown:


    You started with a Pikachu, then found his hat and returned it on Route 9 after battling him in Viridian forest ?

    If so, check the pocket on your bag with clothes in just to make sure it's not there perhaps try relogging and checking

  6. 339694 Hello everybody,


    I want to ask a question and I don't see the answer on the FAQ. Here is my question: Is the translation currently released ? If yes, when does it be available ? Because it's really a problem when we don'k know english name of pokemon or attack.


    I thank you for answering and sorry if bag category.


    PS: Sorry for my english.


    Hi [ref]RenardArctique[/ref], the current stance on translation is in the suggestions section "read before" thread, which is why you couldn't find it, but its as follows :


    PRO's main storyline will be kept English as the widely accepted "official" language in the game, even by bilingual players. Only minor things (menus, options, etc) will be translated; however, there is no estimated time frame for this, and it's considered very low-priority.


    We've had many suggestions for community-submitted translations to be implemented. However, the community would need access to proprietary code to even think about translating parts of the dialogue, and we will never give out access to our code that way. Since that won't happen, players will just have to wait until staff is ready to start adding translations ourselves.


    Another point that’s been brought up is a request for the community to be able to access dialogue scripts, rather than the actual code. However, this will still be denied. First, only a few staff members can access the code, and it takes time to collect the dialogue scripts line-by-line from the code, time that could be better utilized doing other things. Second, PRO is still in development. So instead of focusing on that priority, said staff members would need to divert time and energy away from that to collect dialogue instead, representing a waste of resources. Third, even with a community translation in place, there’s a huge amount of NPCs and story dialogue scripts in PRO that are always being edited and tweaked. Constantly having to update translations alongside these edits would represent a waste of time and resources. Finally, community translations do not guarantee quality control - staff members would need to recheck the dialogue translations after the community has submitted them (adding even more work, which is a huge burden considering the PRO staff already lacks human resources as is)."

  7. 338538 Where did I find out how rules about ip sharing?


    On the rules page

    The one you're after is

    2. You are permitted to have 2 accounts per email address and up to 4 per person. We do not offer support for proxy cases. If you are found linked with someone via proxy you will be banned if a ban issued is an IP ban.

  8. 335472 To be fair prehax, that thread also says gale wings is banned but its not.


    Gale wings isn't banned, using the move fly if you have the ability gale wings is banned due to the mechanics being buggy


    Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Bannable

    This category is based on the move/ability/item that is not working as intended or in other word the move/ability/item is broken

    and can make other party have a loss and has a significant impact in PVP. Here are the list, with explanation included:

    Fly and Gale Wings (Fly gets priority in its first phase and looses this priority in its second phase.)

  9. 335139 I`m just gonna go straight to the points.Can you guys(gm and staff) add payment walls to buy coins such as molpoints.


    Alternative payments are covered in the Read this before making a suggestion thread, please check this thread before posting in future :)

    209177 "Alternative payment

    Alternate payment methods have been suggested in the past several times before. We understand that it may be inconvenient to donate via Paypal in certain countries, but this will ultimately depend on our developer Shane's discretion, as there are limitations on his ability to accept donations from other payment methods. Apologies for any inconveniences in the meantime."


  10. 334629 -snip-


    Sorry to hear you lost the pokemon Grabarz23, unfortunately anything lost from crashes/disconnections cannot be recovered as stated in the General support read before

    In future if you catch/do anything important, relogging to force save is recommended to minimise risk of loss should anything happen


    Lost by crash issues/disconnect/rollback


    Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsbility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback?. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.

  11. 325409 Got the side-server glitch after logging out. Hope for the fast reboot of the server :)


    This is covered in read this before making a general support topic

    183190 User already login


    "Unfortunately, this is a server-side glitch that can happen from time to time. Whenever this occurs, you have to wait until the next server reboot to play again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    In the rare case, this issues cause by your low connection when you play game and got disconnect, and can potential solved by close completely client and open again. If not solved, you will need wait to reboot.

    To prevent this issue use "Settings»Log Out" instead of closing the client right away. This action will force the save of the data of your account and also kick your account out of the server, and therefor preventing this issue to happen."


    You can still play on the other 2 servers until your server has been rebooted



  12. 325654 -snip-


    Inflation is covered in the Read this before making a suggestion thread, please check there first before future suggestions to make sure it's not already answered :)

    It's supply and demand, if no one paid those prices, they would need to lower them

    209177Price of MS/ Inflation


    Staff members don't have a say in pricing matters, but I can try to explain why it's normal for the MS price to grow over time: the longer a server goes on, the more poke$ are generated by farming / completing the game story, the less value a single poke$ has over time. Membership can be bought for a fixed price of 5$, however players can choose to buy it with a donation of 5$ and sell that for poke$ afterwards. The amount of poke$ required for a MS is growing over time due to the loss of value of a single poke$ given the less scarcity of poke$ in the whole server. This is a normal phenomenon in every economy, including the in-game PRO economy.


    Also you can still play without a Membership, the advantages granted by being a member aren't making the game Pay2Win at all, for example, if you find a shiny or a really good pokemon, you can sell that for a lot of money. The price of good pokemon is following the same pattern of the Membership, balancing things out. If you want more discussion, go in here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=47105&start=40


  13. 325308 When I started playing this game, I was with my friends, but now, all my friends that play this game just quit and only me stand still, beside buy pokes(I have a really bad luck on catching pokes), train pokes, and hunting red name bosses all by myself, I have nothing to do :Frown: I feel so lonely playing this game :( it's like it is a mmo game but I am playing a single player Pokémon game in this mmo


    Speak to people in the chats, make friends and as mentioned look for a guild to join


  14. 325293 will be banned by ip?


    Perhaps highlights that it's not as simple as the general community perceive it to be, IPs can be changed at will so the ban would affect them for seconds, you can also take out a lot of innocent players doing that due to shared IPs

    They know they risk being banned already, that's a constant risk of botting

    If it was as simple to eradicate as people seem to think, then bots wouldn't exist in any game

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