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Everything posted by Carlito2

  1. Hello, I'm looking for guild in gold that can help me finish Sinnoh region fast... I don't have strong pokemon on me right now, so I badly need help.
  2. Delevel In-game name: Lolphcait Server: Gold Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: Delevel In game name: lolphcait Server: gold Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: Sorry i accidentally my riolu to 100 2nd time can you help me again this the last thanks... Delevel or evolve In game name: lolphcait Server:gold Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: Sorry i accidentally my riolu to 100 again but im sure it a full happiness now or can you help me to evo my riolu to lucario thanks for your help...
  3. https://youtu.be/Uf2sAy-nIJ8 We have a winner for the mini giveaway :)
  4. In-game name: Tatsumiii Server: Gold Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: Edit: Sorry, I thought it needs level to evolve it to roselia. Can be delete now. Edit 2: It seems I cant evolve it in day/morning with full happiness, I think it still needs to delevel?
  5. COMMANDMENTS ABOUT US Hello trainer! Welcome to Commandment's recruiting thread. We are currently recruiting active players from GOLD server. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Commandment is the future top PVP guild in GOLD, consists of top PVP player well its my ambition. We are encouraging our members to PVP, to learn more about pokemon, because pokemon isn't just a pokemon, it's okay if you don't want to. The Commandment guild is focused on PVP, hunting, advising each other with that someone might become a better player. We will also have a lots events and tournaments soon. We just revive the guild that means we currently have a few members, if you still want to join us feel free to apply down below. GUILD AMBITION To be the best PVP or casual guild in Gold server, with members dedicated to be number one. To build a Family not just in game. BENEFITS OF JOINING US Free dex service(Currently not available.) Organized events Monthly Giveaways PVP workshop Story pokemon lending RULES TO JOIN ● Must be 17+ to join ● Must be able to use discord ● Must have at least 16 badges ● Must have a goal in game HOW TO JOIN? What is your ingame name? How old are you? How many badges do you have? Number of hours played? What is/are your goal/s in game? Are you active on Discord? Why do you want to be part of the Commandments?
  6. Welcome to PRO. For your question ill try to answer it all. 1. Yes you can, if you finish all regions. You will be locked in your current region if you havent finished johto, hoenn or sinnoh. 2. Trading of some items, cosmetics, berries are allowed too. 3. Yes. Regions too. Kanto, johto, hoenn, sinnoh, thats the order 4. If you havent unlocked johto, hoenn, sinnoh and you are still in kanto you are not able to use pokemon from other regions. They will be locked in your pc.
  7. Its hp fighting, r u looking for hp fire?
  8. Tatsumi's PVP pokemons Shop Rules: No cancellation of bidding. Auction will last for 1 day right after the first bid. We will use GMT +8 as it is my ttimezone. Silver players are free to bid as long as they will get the pokemon in Gold if they win. I also accept items as payment. Cc=350k, Reroll ticket=700k TRAINED POKEMON UNTRAINED POKEMON You can contact me here or in discord Saakii#6074
  9. Auction has ended, @G375341 won.
  10. Bump. 5 hrs and 1 minute left. C.o 3.25m by @G375341
  11. Bump c.o 3m by @BEMADMAN 15hrs and a few minutes left.
  12. 2m250k by @BEMADMAN auction will end in July 24, 3:26pm GMT +8
  13. Auction will end in July 24, 3:26pm, GMT+8 CURRENT OFFER: 2M BY @G375341
  14. Start offer: 2m Minimum bid: 250k Insta: No insta I also accept items as payment Cc=350k Reroll ticket= 700k Auction will start right after the first bid. Auction will last for 3 days. No cancellation of bid. No editing of comments. You are responsible for picking it up in gold if you are from silver.
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