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Posts posted by Miles

  1. Since it seems Kydashing's suggestion thread has mysteriously disappeared (or maybe I can't find it), I'm going to slowly explain, once again, why there's no reason not to have them in a future update.


    1. There's no official way to customize Pokemon without nicknames. That's why we need them.

    2. If the chat censor is good enough for chat, then it's good enough for nicknames. That's why we should have them.


    So refute me. Note: when I say "we," I exclusively mean people who care about nicknames, including myself.

  2. 44822Now before i start, keep in mind that this only a concept, not something that is planned to be implemented, only for discussions and feedback if possible.

    No, you're toeing the line between having suggestion and not for the sake of this argument -- except you're nowhere near any gray area. Just because you said it's not a suggestion doesn't mean it doesn't fit the definition of a suggestion. On the contrary, all normal suggestions start as things that are not planned to be implemented. Quoting yourself doesn't inherently refute logic.

    44822Could be a survival, or catch as much as possible, maybe even boss battles. Who knows.

    Well if that's all you've got for us, then no, I don't want raids because I have no idea what you want to do, and it seems neither do you at the moment.


    I like the things you did have clear thoughts on, for example having factions, bases, and rankings. I say yes to those.

    He's simply looking for feedback.

    I know, and his intentions are good, but this is a suggestion; it's being put forward for our consideration. An incomplete suggestion is still a suggestion.

  3. 45112As for mechanics, this is something that needs to be discussed internally with the content team, which is the usual procedure in how we introduce things.

    Procedure or not, if this was anyone else's suggestion, the first thing I'd ask with anything of this scope is how it's going to be implemented. That includes, at the bare minimum, a general overview of your "raids." The reason you shouldn't be able to get away with that here is that you're not introducing this internally, you are deliberately asking the public for feedback on a suggestion and holding out on information vital to giving you feedback. What are you trying to accomplish here?


    "We're gonna build a plane and we want to know what you think."

    "Sounds great! Do it!"

    "Okay content team, how can we use cheese wheels for landing gear?"


    At least give a broad statement that lets us judge what raids will be and how they will work.


    You didn't even address why this should be pinned (in the wrong forum).



  4. 45192
    45013 This has been suggested already and is planned.


    I apologize for this then. I did used the search function though. Found nothing on this topic.

    Don't worry about it. The worst this could do is keep it at the forefront of discussion and remind staff of the high demand for this particular suggestion -- doesn't sound so bad to me!

  5. 44832I have a base idea on raids, tho not something i'm going to publicize.

    So you only want feedback on parts of the suggestion, but for the specifics you don't want any feedback? Seems counter-intuitive; that means regardless of the feedback here, we could still end up with something that wouldn't be liked by the same people who supported the idea, so I recommend moving this to Suggestions and presenting your suggestion like a normal player with full disclosure of your thoughts and how this should be implemented.


    Generally speaking, I'm for it and things like this, but it doesn't matter because you can't intentionally leave out details of your suggestion and have anyone review it properly. All suggestions should be judged equally, and you're missing important parts from your pitch. Your suggestion shouldn't get special treatment just because you have a green name. If something unnecessary is pinned, it should be on merit, but this thread is only two days old and hasn't faced much real criticism yet.


    As for what you've presented, I think you should change the name from "The Revolution Army" to The Revolutionary Army (unless it was a mistake). Sounds better, but more importantly, it makes more sense grammatically.

  6. I do hope organized PCs are high up on the list of priorities, even with Halloween right around the corner.


    43530 i think they gonna do something about this at future


    oh.. and please.. internet etiquette...please...

    Avoid "flaming" (online "screaming") or sentences typed in all caps.[/quote2]


    The only thing more obnoxious than caps to me are the no-fun-allowed police. That is exactly why we can't use caps in-game anymore, not because of the "caps abuse," but because of the type of person who can't help but be triggered by something insignificant on the internet.


  7. 43327 You guys think it's as easy as just changing a couple numbers don't you?

    That attitude is toxic to development. Whether it's easy or not does not mitigate the value of a suggestion, as long as it is possible. It's a relief you aren't in a position to totally direct the game.

  8. 42904 It seems like the biggest counter argument was that it goes against the original pokemon games.

    By that logic, Game Freak would never have made limited use TMs into infinite use items because it goes against their own precedent, which wasn't the case at all.

    How about making this an ability you unlock after completing some end game optional quest? This would make it so HM's are still used mostly the original way and it add's another goal for end game(completing whatever quest they associate it with). Judging from the number of people wanting this, I think people would want to do the quest even if it was fairly difficult.

    No. As I've said, this is no grand departure from Pokemon, it's simply a quality of life update that is probably inevitable even within the main series. Doing it that way creates needless complexity and most importantly requires more coding for nothing. I want more quests in the game, but I am 100% against forcing quests onto this new mechanic "just because." In my opinion, that's the worst thing we could do short of not implementing it.

  9. Re: Mt. Goon: Bollywood Edition


    <r><QUOTE author="CynclossPlays"><s>

    </s><POST content="42134"><s></s>42134<e></e></POST> Can i join the guild?<e>

    Check your inbox.


    </s>& ur privlige hueheukek<e>


  10. The difference between that and every other thread here is that you're aiming a suggestion to the community instead of the staff. If your thread had been "Stricter forum moderation," it would be appropriate because you're giving staff a clear directive they can act on with which to improve the game, forum, or community. Instead, you're generally asking the community to make the change and it doesn't work like that, which is why this doesn't belong here.

  11. This requires more work. Sprites have to be made for the items, the items have to be made whereas HMs are already in game, and the items have to be linked to badges. In addition, I don't feel it's in the spirit of Pokemon, unlike HMs.

  12. This, since apparently no other discourse matters but the title of a thread. Please argue laziness, my suggestion could use a leg up.


    What would change: Make HMs usable even if the Pokemon doesn't have the move slotted as long as you have a Pokemon in your party that can use it (and the appropriate badge, of course).


    Why should it change: PRO stands to benefit from updating HMs. Updating the way HMs work is one of the biggest requests for the handhelds, and I honestly think sooner or later Game Freak themselves will do away with HM slaves in the spirit of Pokemon and a better experience, much like they rightfully did away with limited use TMs which used to be a common complaint too. Just because you can forget HMs doesn't mean it's a rational way of implementing them. With any thought, it's still terrible; it just looks almost decent because of the misconception that the only other option is to have them be permanent. In reality, we're still burdened by the move either way. We're forced to do redundant inventory, but that is not our only option. At the moment, we're not curing the problem at all, only blindly treating a symptom.


    This is no grand departure from the series, it's simply bringing an outdated 1996 J-RPG mechanic to 2015.


    When should it change: I think it can be accomplished in about two or three major updates. This will take longer than a certain other suggestion of mine because actual coding is involved. Unfortunately, coding is a bottleneck in PRO's developmental process.

  13. Don't remove them; make HMs passive. Make them usable even if the Pokemon doesn't have the move slotted as long as you have a Pokemon in your party that can use it (and the appropriate badge, of course). Updating the way HMs work is one of the biggest requests for the handhelds, and I honestly think sooner or later Game Freak themselves will do away with HM slaves in the spirit of Pokemon and a better experience, much like they rightfully did away with limited use TMs which used to be a common complaint too.

    41916 The hm moves aren't permanently on your pokemon like in the handhelds so I don't really see your issue here.

    Just because you can forget HMs doesn't mean it's a rational way of implementing them. With any thought, it's still terrible; it just looks almost decent BECAUSE in your mind the only other option is to have them be permanent. In reality, either way we're still burdened by the move and are forced to do what ought to be unnecessary inventory. You're not curing the problem at all, you're blindly treating a symptom.

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