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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 32169 Same here, the hole day trying to enter and nothing, and addition when I ask them for help in facebook they ignore me, the game is awesome, but the staff don't care about the users


    Wrong. They're probably just tired of players like you repeating the same thing over, and over, and over without lurking before you say something... because if you did lurk more, you'd know many people before you were answered along the lines of "PRO is in beta, and early beta at that, so downtime is expected." The forums aren't ignoring you, you're ignoring the forums. And after this thread runs its course and the server is back up, only to inevitably go down again, you can bet that someone will make this thread again. Do you see a pattern here?

  2. I'd rather be potentially exposed to something distasteful or uncomfortable than sacrifice an integral part of Pokemon for awful reasoning. And yes, it's integral to the experience.


    Without nicknames, there is NO way to personalize your Pokemon. None.


    Good luck refuting that. Filters already exist in the game (if they're enough for chat, they're enough for Pokemon). Not implementing nicknames because it's easier for you is like removing the entire chat because some people evade the filter.



  3. Membership sold here at competitive wholesale rates to Club Members.

    Prices NOT negotiable


    Current MS Average: 200K

    Best MS Price: 170K

    Miles 'Membership Club is currently CLOSED. 0 MS left.


    How it works: You post here with your IGN to buy once I'm in-game. On your first purchase, you pay a market-adjusted flat price for membership. You then become a Club Member (your name is listed along with a record of your discounts), and every month you purchase after that, you get 10K off your next purchase, capping at 30K off the total Current MS Average. The discount is always subject to change, but you will get the same discount you've gotten even if the lowest possible discount changes for future members.


    Note that I sell in limited amounts, so please don't wait to take advantage or you'll miss out.


    Club Members:

    Deathsoul3333 - 40K Discount

    Gedang - 40K Discount

    Kiba - 40K Discount

    Almightycrock - 30K Discount

    Dragondark - 30K Discount

    Gradiusic - 30K Discount

    JavaRanger - 30K Discount

    Longshark - 30K Discount

    M4sterJ0e - 30K Discount

    OmerASH - 30k Discount

    Pachirisu - 30K Discount

    Tovinhtoan - 30K Discount

    Xerondd - 20K Discount

    Firestorm - 10K Discount

    HerTz - 10K Discount

    Seibuza - 10K Discount

    Vietfirestar - 10K Discount

  4. Re: Mt. Goon: Four Star Edition


    <r><QUOTE author="Armonite"><s>

    </s>My ign is Armonite i have yet to defeat the e4 all my pokemon are strong and would like to be a part of your highly reputed guild <br/>

    Please do consider my application.<br/>





    Hello! What time + time zone are you usually online?</r>

  5. Re: Mt. Goon: Card Games on Motorcycles Edition


    <r><QUOTE author="Kyokizu"><s>

    </s>What is the banana edition about? o_O<e>


    ....What Banana Edition?</r>

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